Independent Alternative Political Party

Day 1,407, 02:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus

Theme song if you need one 🙂 People Lead - Ben Harper

Good morning eCitizens,

On the 25th we elected our congress persons for this term, and I truly hope every citizen is a member of a political party, this is the only way that your voice would be heard. We all have opinions on what is best, what is wrong and what should be done, so how can one have an opinion and not make it heard? If you are part of a political party there is a voice bigger than yours to shout your demands or needs, and it will give you the “weight” needed to effect change. How often do you chat with someone and realise that there are others that feel the same as you but never made it heard? Well then it is time to start fight for what you deserve.

If you are not a member of a political party I do suggest you join and make your voice heard. I am a proud member of the IA for quite some time now, and we need to grow the IA family. Why the Independent Alternative? We are as our name suggests an alternative option where we value diversity and independent thinking, we have become known as the no BS party and proud to be able to say we aim to keep the “powers that be” on their toes, even if those powers that be is IA. There is a reason we are the biggest party, and that is simply results, we are results driven. We are always open to work with other parties to work towards a goal since the results is what is important to us, not our ego, our community is why and what for we exist.

I invite one and all to become part of the IA, come and be active for your own as well as your countries good, who knows you might just find it more fun and rewarding than you think politics can be !!

Congratulations to all IA candidates, all our candidates that stood was elected and I would now like to introduce you to your IA congress representatives:

Mark Morcom
Gary Delange

North West Province

El Fidel

Steven Bosch

Free State

Congratulations to all the parties and all the new congress persons!

Any questions or just want to find out more, do not hesitate to contact me or any of your IA representatives.

Big thanks to Miyagiyoda (CP), El Fidel, Wilpanzer1 and Kaptein Balsak for co-ordinating voting day for IA, behind the scenes there is no glamour, but our success was made possible by our unsung hero's.

Message to eSA political parties: We all have the same end goal, to help eSA become the greatest nation it can be. We might not always agree on how to reach that goal, but lets take hands and take the whole of eSA to our future of unity and prosperity, together we can accomplish so much more.
Lets cultivate a sense of 'What can I do for eSA?' , and not what eSA can do for me.

Independent Alternative, humbly accepting your membership as motivation for what still need to be done. Join IA today IA eRep party page and also IA Forums Also join us on IRC on Rizon server channel #MUSA .


a Dream become a reality in team work, 'Een drag maak mag' (In unity is power)