Independent Alternative Political Party

Day 1,210, 06:49 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus

Good afternoon eCitizens,

Tomorrow we will be electing all the various political parties leaders. Why is this important and why should you vote. How do one change or have an impact on the game if you are 1 person? I will not say it is impossible but it does make it so much easier to have a political party support you, with experience, with plans to realize your vision and the needed manpower and presence to make it happen. We all have opinions on what is best, what is wrong and what should be done, so how can one have an opinion and not make it heard? How often do you chat with someone and realise that there are others that feel the same as you but never made it heard? Well then it is time to start to fight for what you deserve. Why become an IA supporter? Simply put, we are a very diverse party, with 50% of congress being Independent Alternative, with 7 previous country presidents involved in IA, biggest support base, simply put we are known as the NO BS party, IA is people driven, but the end result has to be to the benefit of eSouth Africa.

I will be running for Party President tomorrow and ask for your support by means of your votes. Remember a non-vote is also a vote but then you do not have the say what your vote means, someone will decide what your vote means but it sure will not be you. What I stand for is fairness, longevity of eSA and its security and to be part of building this great country of ours Stand up for your vote, it is worth your voice, you deserve to have your voice heard! Vote IA Vote Rexdeus!

If you have political aspirations of your own, come and spread your wings at the IA, we will give you the needed backing to realise your political dreams. We welcome fresh new ideas, even if you simply have a vision and is not sure how to make it happen, be that ideological or even just procedural come chat to us and we will formulate a plan, the only real criteria would be that it is to the benefit of eSouth Africa, our beloved country and its citizens. JOIN THE IA TODAY !!

I invite one and all to become part of the IA, come and be active for your own as well as your countries good, who knows you might just find it more fun and rewarding than you think politics can be !!
