Increased responce from the PP's

Day 941, 01:26 Published in South Korea South Korea by Comrade Robb

When Arjay was elected and i gained my job as Party Liaison i wrote to every single Party President infroming them of my existance and purpose. One person replied; Joseph Oriar. I was dissapointed at first, i then talked to the Communist Party and passed a report on thier security. (was a PASS btw)

A few days ago we received new PP's, I decided to give them a few days to settle in then write to them all again. I got two replies. One from Brenton Boy and the other from scsaby, this is a 100% increase. However it is not good enough. I need to hear from ALL Party Presidents, don't just sit there pocketing your 5 Gold and sit silently. Get in touch talk to me, I'm talking to you guys.
I am asking all Party Presidents to reply to my Message to you!
Also would people post the various IRC channels used by the Parties.