Inaugural address - I'm Back

Day 1,294, 14:06 Published in USA USA by Glove

The expression on my face after last night

You re-erected me. But just as important, you voted Pfeiffer down, again. Well done.

We had a historic election yesterday. Even in the first 30 minutes after the polls opened, we were well into the hundreds in votes. Pfeiffer held a steady majority throughout most of the day. But you stood with me, united, and determined to win. We never lost hope and I would just like to thank all of you: the AMP, Feds, SFP, UIP, Owls, Technocrats, NoS, Florcists :3, NCR, the best, the Terrorists, the Pajama Party, the JMC fan Club, the anarchists of Amerika, and the silent masses.

I would also like to mention that this will be my last presidency. So that is to say, the actions I commit from here-on are done so with the interests of Amerika at the forefront, as they have always been. That said, Pfeiffer will probably run again, because he is obsessed. To be frerk, I hope you do not fall victim to his slurping, and I hope you take to heart when I say, Pfeiffer is a threat to our national integrity. xD

Anyways, onto more important things. Last time I was president we had lots of success with regards in foreign affairs, and some success internally. For example we revived interns and introduced boobs 4 noobs. Of course, I want to create more lasting programs such as these, and with the staff I’ve assembled I’m confident we will. Speaking of which, here is your cabinet:

President: Glove
First Lady: FlorenciaC
Vice President: Blank Keating

Grand Emerick: Emerick
Secretary of Dignified Monocles: Nicholas Ryan

Chief of Staff: ArcNox
Deputy Chiefs of Staff: Uhriventis, Qnfauf
Intern Program Director: Soren Nelson

Secretary Defense: Avruch
Deputy SoDs: Cruinne, Armandez, Vanek26, Alexander_Auctoritas
NSC Director: GoalieBCSC
OMS: Michael Larson
Deputy OMS: Sideswipe
Arm America Director: Zyria
Arm America Deputy Director: Npaidi

Secretary of State: Blank Keating
Deputies: Paul Proteus, Turd Fergusen, Alex Drex
Director of Ambassadorial and Sexual Affairs: SVV

Secretary of the Interior: Civil Anarchy
Vice Secretary of the Interior: Bruce Sommer
Deputies: Torman Capek, jon malcom, Robert Grosseteste, xRoWx Triggers
~bewbs4newbs~ Goddess: jerseygirldani

Eternal Secretary of Education: Blank Keating
Secretary of Media: Chutley
Media Gods: Kentel, Bobby Burch, Phoenix Quinn

Secretary of Treasury: Anyonymous
Economic Advisors: Evry, Kemal Ergenekon,

Secretary of Technology: Qnfauf
Director of Art: Shino336
Homeland Security: Shermain
Congressional Liaison: Jerseygirl
Bro of Highest Order: Sisisi
Slave: AThompson

Interns will be recieving a message shortly.

Alexandr Sunbeliever III
Kronos Q
Colin Lantrip
Top Advisor: Chickensguys

We are blessed with war. We are under Spanish invasion and our bro Russia is under invasion as well. In addition, Canada is about to be attacked by pigs. War is no stranger to us. We have never been one to fear it, and we have never shied away in the face of danger. We have always overcome obstacles and this time it will be no different. I am here to build, and we will build -- not destroy. Solidarity gentlemen. Thank you once again, let us show the world our might.

Also you know what,
Q5 tanks for all people who have citizenship within a Terra Nation.
Just leave a comment below~
And while you're at it, read this article.

President Glove
Glove is Love
Day 1