In Which I Give Out Endorsements, Take 2

Day 794, 22:05 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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In this article
Update On My Platform
NAU News
A Shoutout to eAmerica's Favorite Hippie
The Endorsements

Yes, I know the is my article for giving out endorsements, but I have a few things which I need to address as well. So just click the links above to jump straight to whatever part of the article interests you most (or you could read the whole thing 😃).

Update On My Congressional Platform

Yes, I am running for Congress again, and you can read my platform here. However, there is something that is not mentioned in that platform, mainly because I hadn't even thought about it until I was talking on IRC a couple days after my platform was published. The main Congressional leadership position is Speaker of the House, who presides over Congress for two terms. The start of this upcoming term will see the election of a new SoH, and I, for some strange reason, decided to go for that job. Now, this doesn't matter much to people who aren't/haven't been in Congress, but it is worth mentioning, at least for those people.

NAU News

It's official now. The North American University is up and running again, and students are learning. All five of the classes (World History 101, Military 101, Game Mechanics 101, Journalism 101, and Business & Economics 101) held their first session this week. Despite some confusions and miscommunications, everything ran smoothly. I'd like to take this moment to thank the teachers for working with me to get this done.

The NAU Teachers
*World History 101: JeepAmerica
*Military 101: Dimension
*Game Mechanics 101: Necrosis
*Journalism 101: Lieutenant Scheisskopf
*Business & Economics 101: AidenAstrup

A Shoutout to eAmerica's Favorite Hippie

If you don't know Jude Connors, you really should. Why? Well, check out what people had to say about him in an article by Lord Pariah, and you'll get a good idea why.

The Endorsements

And now, the endorsements.

Topping the list, like he has the past few months as I've been doing this, is the one-of-a-kind Patches O'Houlihan. An incredibly friendly and intelligent player, Patches is running in Kentucky once again. I have to say, he is also one of the most persistent people I've met in this game. He's been running for Congress the past several months and hasn't gotten in....yet. This month is his month.

Coming up next is a good friend of mine from my long hours spent on IRC, Iasov. He is the Libertarian candidate for Andhra Pradesh, and also a current Congressman. He won the first IRC trivia competition that I ran, and just like I am the self-acknowledged Trivia Queen, he is the Trivia Emperor. In all seriousness, elect Iasov. He's smart, for one thing, and he's always on IRC.

Third on the list is Stormin, running in Washington as a sixth-partier in USWP colors. Reading through his platform, I saw quite a bit that I agreed with. One of his goals, for example, was to have more debate, but also more civilized debate. He doesn't want to see debates on IRC degenerate into "immature comments, quick change to a discussion of something incoherent, or insults", and I support that idea 100%. There's a lot more that can be said about him, and I strongly encourage you to go read his platform.

Eliwood_sain, member of the Federalist Party, also asked for my endorsement this month. Now, I was slightly hesitant to give an endorsement to somebody who deliberately spells my name wrong (j/k 😛), but here it is. He's one of those players that's older in-game than you would expect, ahving been around for almost a year now. He's the three-time Congressman from Oklahoma and is running there again. His platform, short but sweet, can be found here.

And some last minute additions to the list

Lord Pariah: Mentioned earlier in this article, Lord Pariah is a great, albeit slightly annoying, newer player. He doesn't have a platform as of yet, but he is running in Mississippi for his second Congressional term. I haven't been in Congress this month, so I don't know how is performance has been, but I have only heard good things about him.

Devon Donaldson: like I've said about Patches before, Devon is another person who knows his way around the eUS forums. And he's not a spambot, either, but an intelligent poster who is running for his first Congressional term in Nebraska under the AAP.

DanielCD: DanielCD is cool. You might think that a three-time party president of the Libertarians and four-time Congressman from Wisconsin who's also a former Chief of Staff wouldn't need an endorsement from someone like me. But he asked, and I'll give it to him. How cool is DanielCD? Well, if I ever had reason to quit the USWP (highly unlikely, but anyways), I would join the Libs, because of him. He's running in Wisconsin again, and his platform can be found here

That's all for tonight folks. As always, thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing.

Signing off,