In Times of Dire Need: A Iconoclast's View of Armistice

Day 2,159, 00:16 Published in USA USA by Pontifex Ward

While I think the sign says it straight enough, but lets just say it for emphasis.

I am re-opened! I'm rested, the ink's refreshed, and I'm ready to entertain, indulge, scandalize and fascinate you all with my dearly beloved pen and press of truth and eccentricty. So excuse the shoddyness of this first edition, its been a good long while for me.

But, enough patting myself on the back. Lets get us some news!


Our Silence is Deafening

All is now quite on the Western Front, or so it would seem as the Pole-Spaniard oppression continues. Our unwanted benefactors, ever so benevolently, quashing any effort to re-claim the eStates, now trouce about in their gilded glory upon us all! Indeed from cyber-sea to shining sea, we all can view the dismemberment of our nation as Spanish and Polish powers split our states like pirates doling our their plunder.

This was and still remains a time of hard trial. It would be an understatment to say that America is in rough times, and if these powers should have their way, rougher times lay ahead. No doubt, it was with that in mind that President Frost decided upon this armistice that we are now in. Criticism and compliments have been going around the beltway, depending which line of thought you'd adhere to. Being myself I take it as a personal challenge to wade through a sea of opinons-for-facts, angry letter writing and four letter word prose (no matter how entertaining it maybe).

With that, let me give you mine.


- A War Lost

I don't believe we could have won. Not completely. Oh on the ground, we excelled stupendously. We fought their first wave, and pushed them back. They hit us with their second, and we threw them back into the sea, and thrashed them damn near to the otherside of the world. But even the biggest boxer can only go for so many rounds. If anything, we can rest assured in the knowledge that we gave it that ol' Alamo try, and it took their entire combined strength to finally oppress us.


- Macgyver, Make Do

One thing you will never hear from me is that this Armistice. Personally, it smacks of Nixon's "Peace with Honor" and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth all the more because of it. But I will stand by this: It is a neccesary evil that we must burden.

Theodore Roosevelt is quoted with saying,"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." I believe our President took this to heart, and made out with what he could with what he had to work with. Now I don't know the man persoanlly, and so I cannot speak for his charater or challenge it. But I can, and will, say this: He stood under fire, he did his job, and we are still here because of it.

I believe that there will be many hard days ahead, but in the end, we'll send these invaders off our shores, and bring the fight to their land and people. It is only a matter of money, time, and manpower. Can we make good on all of them? We shall see.