In The News; Day 997

Day 997, 09:39 Published in Ireland USA by rivere123
Welcome to the Troll Times, relocated to Ireland. Today, I bring you news of the greatest war in North Europe since the near conquest of Britain by a few EDEN nations. This great war, however, was made all the more interesting by the situations unfolding across the world at the same time.
Following a series of bugs against numerous CPs and people, leading hackers to destroy Hungary by beginning a war with Serbia and stripping the country of its MPPs and having Britain invade numerous parts of Eastern America,Ireland continued her struggle in the war with Britain and Poland swept through Hungary.

At this moment in time, Canada has moved in through Scotland into northern England and captured North Ireland. Britain invaded Dublin and conquered Dublin and invaded South East of Ireland and currently have an upper hand, though the battle should be going into overtime.

Phoenix responded to Canada's invasion of Britain by having Russia invade Scotland. Overall, Ireland and her allies were screaming "Paint the Tiles Blue!" today. The two major battles were marred with dozens of bugs, one after another, and with mass bugs, protests, quitting, and hacking, on can only guess the New World will collapse in time for day 1000.

Minor News
In the meantime in the world of minor military news, Spain continued their occupation of Southeast of Mexico by reconquering the region. This article is not up to my usual standards, but the news of the last week has been little and but I will be getting my newspaper back to its prime soon enough, hopefully.

Bug Help
As we all know, bugs have ravaged the New World, along with mass hackings.
Have you lost gold/money/items? If you have, you can send in a ticket to admins concerning the loss and you may be answered back and given your lost items back if you're lucky.
How do I know if I'm getting hacked?
Many people noted seeing the elderly eRepublik character Plato with sunglasses rambling about "cookies" when they were hacked. I advise you to change your password and submit a ticket, though this may not work either.