In the Defense of Israel First and Dean Michaely

Day 1,040, 21:21 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael. I would just like to thank all those that voted for me in the recent Knesset Elections. I promise not to let any of you down and I apologize for not writing a proper presentation as I should have. I would also like to wish all the other Newly elected KMs on their victory and I look forward to a successful and active Knesset this month.

Now moving on to the main point of this article.

Undoubtedly you have read CROYs new article entitled, "Righteous Indignation"

If you havent well let me sum it up for you.

Basically it is a perfectly timed article (Knesset Elections) intended to open up a whole new round of hostilities in eIsrael shortly after thing have finally quieted down by blaming the actions of one particular individual (Daniel Ender) on the entire Israel First Party and Dean Michaely In Particular.

Oh and before I forget if your going to comment on his article prepared to be labeled as divisive and fueling the fire. I know its almost like hes talking about his own article. What the word for that....Oh right HYPOCRISY.

This is coming from a guy who constantly takes the moral high ground and says we need to unite and root out the divisions in our country. And now hes doing the complete opposite by not only bringing up an issue we thought we have put behind us but playing the blame game and finger pointing in order to score cheap political points. (At least thats what I think)

Theres no problem with condemning Daniel Ender's Actions. But this is well after the fact and directed less against ender and more against Israel First and Dean Michaely.

I mean I could never really figure out why smart guys like CROY, Rhein Lander, Robbie Lizzini and others would take the time to get on Daniel Enders level and try to have rational arguments with him. They Constantly legitimize this fringe radical voice by giving him the spotlight and attention he so desperately seeks.

I was very mad at Daniel Ender and his article dont get me wrong. And I want to make it specifically clear that hes views are in no way shape or form supported by the Israel First Party and we find it annoying that we have to even make this statement . His article made eIsrael look bad and created anti Israeli sentiment globally. He made prejudice and discriminatory remarks against hard working eIsraelis simply because of their background.

None of this was ever supported by Israel First and we are shocked and appalled by these baseless accusations.

But what I hated most about Daniel Enders article is that is simply showed off to the WORLD the Worst Side of eIsrael. It showed that we are somehow a closed of intolerant community when that couldn't be farther from the truth. Just the fact that the UIIP has grown to become the second strongest and most influential party in eIsrael should show this. A fact that CROY will never let you forget.

So CROY as a person whos invested a great deal of time, work, and money into this country (Again something he will make sure you dont forget) why would you go out of your way to paint the picture to your international readers that eIsrael is terrible place for Immigrants and Foreigners or "non jews" ?

All your doing as Minister of Technology is making our country look bad. The exact same thing Ender did and on top of that making my job as Exterior Minister that much harder.

Any future or potential immigrants who may be reading this please take CROY as a fine example of making it big in eIsrael. Not only is he one of our biggest Political Figures but hes also one the richest guys in eIsrael. So ignore all this crazy stuff about how Immigrants arent welcome and we have an Intolerant community. Its all rubbish.

I know I know its funny when he plays the victim card in all of this.

But putting aside the fact that your giving us a bad image and Inciting further inter party conflict. Your doing all this while blaming Israel First and Dean Michaely. You might call this "....writing frequent media articles to try to provide some in-game discussion and debate and interest."

This pissed me off because you tried to do the same thing to me on IRC Weeks ago when this whole problem with Ender was still relevant. You actual tried to put responsibility on me for Daniel Enders Actions. And now your doing the same to Dean Michaely a former President and one of the hardest workers in eIsrael.

You couldnt just take Daniel Ender for what he is. A Radical Fringe Element. You couldnt just Condemn him and criticize him. You had to take it to the next Level and use him as a political weapon. You try to somehow link Israel First with his actions and bring us down not only in eIsrael but on the International stage aswell.

this is all very discouraging to me because CROY every time I start to like you you do something completely ridiculous and hypocritical.

And yes croy WE GET IT youve done a lot of this country. Youve helped with the training companies and donated gold and all this. But do it sincerely. Do it because its the right thing to do. Dont do it so you can write about it in everyone of your articles and then expect to be immune to any form of criticism.

Lets Look at Dean Michaely and all the things HES done for this country: (All that I can remember)

- 2 Time Minister of Development
- Official founder of the immigrants committee
- Multiple Time knesset Member
- Founder of the Interior Ministry
- VP under FK
- Country President
- Donated 40g to fund DS company to state account
- Made major Efforts with our ascension into EDEN
- Arranged operations at Midi-Pyrenees
- Helped to organize the new eIDf with Sayeret matkal
-Talked to BattalGazi and convinced him not to attack eIsrael
- Made the first peace treaty with turkey ever
- Got a huge supply deal for eIDF from EDEN

Did he really do a bad thing by bringing up a clearly Anti Semitic Remark? Something you throw off as just a Joke. Is he the one who's sincerity should come into question? He did after all APPROACH YOU about party unity.

So In conclusion if anyone truly believes Israel First is somehow responsible for Daniel Enders actions or Dean Michaely is dividing the nation because hes concerned about anti Semitic remarks in IRC, then I dont know what to tell you. You clearly have your views set in stone and theres nothing I can say to change that.

I just hope these terrible lies and misconceptions dont become the norm or accepted view in eIsrael or internationally.