In the darkness, we must look to the light

Day 547, 16:53 Published in United Kingdom France by The Co-operative Group
Dear Friends,

On day 546 of the new world, the great fire of Atlantis died. Romania had long ceased battle, our allies in the continent fought amongst themselves and North America had retreated into isolation. Now our soldiers are tired, our people are tired. Our forums are full of disunity and self-destructive motions and investigations. The darkness of PEACE swamped our proud nation, filling us with fear.

But fear is nothing but an absence. An absence of courage, hope and pride. The things that make us strong; make us British; make us the flame in the darkness of the eWorld. The bright hope of yesterday seems to have died in the minds of our people.

Your anger, rightfully, is directed towards your leaders. But remember that what makes us a nation is not just our leaders, but our people. Every citizen is like a brick, and together our bricks make a mighty fortress that no enemy can overcome..

We must be a new light in the darkness. Months ago, we spoke of a European Social Alliance, to resist takeovers. Again and again the British people have looked to take a moral stance in a world without morals. Now that Atlantis has fallen, it is not the time to take a back seat and mourn the loss of a great alliance. It is the time to take to the world stage and take back our right to a future, build a new alliance we can all believe in.

Our friends, our people, our nations are on the back foot. But we will not surrender. Our people have suffered great calamities, both in eRepublik and in real life Britain. We've suffered many times, but we come back, each time, stronger than before.

We must face this new challenge united. United behind a leadership of all talents. Every citizen must step forward, must ask: What can I do for my country? Every able-bodied citizen should join the army, every citizen should join the forums.

People of Britain, be the Light in the Darkness

Rebuild our world, together