In Nathan Wood's America...

Day 496, 20:15 Published in USA USA by Panther
TULSA, eUSA - It's a sunny day, and Nathan Wood's VVP, Panther has crawled out of bed.. he was up all night making a list.. of what Nathan would do to better eAmerica.

In Nathan Wood's America...

...the admins work for YOU.
...the admins pay for YOU to have unlimited inbox space. stars sleep with you. watches you.
...Meghan posts real porn, not chubby porn. is revealed that William Shafer didn't actually steal from the NP.
...AG Baldwin has no self-proclaimed jurisdiction over the IRC.
...there are Marines and there are epic failtards. receive a sex toy of your choice instead of a weapon.
...the national anthem is pure WIN, no need for any actual music.
...military orders are sent via telepathy, not weak PMs or emails.
...IRC stands for In Real Company elect the President, the top 5 don't.
...Congress works for you, you don't work to let them waste your money
...Congress is held accountable and drawn and quartered just like the CP
...The wimminz chase you
...Pineapple people are birthed from people with attitude
...articles are serious but lulztastic at the same time.

The Additions. ride you! - Kyle321n
...the wimminz say "Save a horse, Ride a Cowboy!" - Porosus
...the party finds you! - Kyle321n
...when someone says, Media Whore, Nathan wonders: Why haven't they paid me my cut yet.. - Porosus
...the article writes you - Ian John Locke IV

Please feel free to add to this list of lulz, the article will updated as the lulz are thrown out.