In Memory

Day 1,206, 10:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

In memory of a truly spectacular article which literally took me an hour and a half to write but got lost thanks to erepublik's evil nature:

The article was about economics and the flaws of erepublik and the current issues which have intensified the problems.


1. Nation-wide competition for companies. You're given the selection of every company in a particular field and thus will always chose the SINGLE cheapest one, making companies a constant hassle to monitor to make sure you're always the cheapest on the market. This makes prices go down, and thus wages or worse the failure of several companies near the same time. (This limits opportunities for new players if you're didn't see where I was going with that...)

2. Hyperinflation of almost every currency in the game thanks to people spending real money for fake gold. The recent deals (99.99 euros or something like that) are insane and shameful to say the least.

3. If you work on an article for a long time, always copy it before you hit preview or Publish, it will save you from my horrible fate which is still ripping my heart out at the moment.

The witty pictures I had planned to show you:

eUK a while ago:

eUK today:

Besides all that, here's some good advice:

1. Q1 food is the best food to buy if you do the math.

2. Q2 weapons are much better than Q1 weapons. They are still relatively cheap but they will do the equivalent of 4 Q1 guns, which will cost you double the price of just 1 Q2 gun.

That is all for now, thank you for your time.