In answer to CAF haters and Max Maher

Day 1,148, 22:02 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Jsboutin

Note : This will be long, but it should be interesting.

Note 2 : This is in answer to this :

NOTE 3 : These are solely my opinions and not those of the CAF's HC.


In the past two days, I have been doing everything possible to help eCanada stay on tracks.

This is the reason why I find it so insulting when someone, namely Max Maher, in this situation, gets on the public place and starts insulting me. (Well, he insulted the CAF, but I found it insulting by extension, since I put so many hours).

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not usually easily insulted. I’ll usually either just click out of the article against the CAF or maybe write a comment, but (almost) never an article.

However, today, after 2 days of countless hours of efforts to help set up an interim government, this is too much.

I know that he wants to look like a victim, but, really, he’s not.

Onto the real topic : Fallacious claims.

First, that it is a MTO by the CAF’s High Command...

Well, I’m sorry, but here are the people who worked the most (from what I saw) after the crisis :
1) Jacobi
2) Nea Milosu
3) Chochi
4) Me
Now, I’m not so bad at maths, but I don’t see a majority of CAF HC members in there:
Actually, just one, me. Hardly a takeover. But you know, sometimes, people see things.

Second, Maher said that we take decisions without consulting the public...
Congratulations, Maher, you just found the use of a High Command. Not every single thing can go through the lengthy and boring process of consulting people. Sorry about that. Join the military if you want to take military decisions, perhaps.

Third, we’re apparently corrupte😛 The only irregularity that Maher could find was that Coda got over the usual tanking budget in eCanada. Well... First, we were at war, second, TemujinBC gave his presidential approval, although indirectly. And no one can say that tem is a CAF boots licker, that’s for sure.

One thing is sure, and that is that the CAF will be there to serve eCanada.

Thank you,

Brigadier Général Jsboutin
CAF High Command
Congressman for Ontario
Loyal eCanadian