Improving South Korean Politics

Day 914, 10:20 Published in South Korea South Korea by debildevil

The time around congress elections is stupid. Dozens of articles claiming that the author will improve the country and hand out free ice-cream to everyone. When the elections are over however those people only collect their treasure maps, randomly vote Yes or No on laws, make 2 useless proposals themselves and after that quit congress. Surely there has to be something that can be improved about the whole thing...

I think there is: The Presentations

Starting with these coming elections I will award my treasure map, that is if I end up getting elected (this is no 'VOTE FOR ME' just so we're clear), or 4 gold (which seems to be the average gold turnout from the TMs) to the candidate with the best presentation. That's right, you don't even have to get elected to win.

On the 24th when the presentations are fixed I will post an article. In the comments people with South Korea citizenship can nominate their favorite presentation. Out of those nominations the 5 best will be up to a vote. The winner will get the TM/4g, the others will get a consolation prize.

- The presentation can be anything. A good erep article, a youtube video - Anything funny you can come up with.
- I reserve the right to disqualify boring articles
- The presentation must not take a registration to see. Forums are ok as long as the post is public
- People can nominate their own presentations , however voting for them will lead to a disqualification
- I also reserve the right to change the rules if someone thinks he can outsmart me by bending some rule
- And last but not least: Because of (believable) accusations of multi-ing against Carlos Bianchi he can not participate in this contest. Don't try to report me for some suppression law or something, Carlos. It's my gold and I can do whatever I want with it

Now that we got this out of the way I will stop arjaying. Let's improve these elections !