Impressions about eNorway!!

Day 324, 09:07 Published in Norway Croatia by Crocky

When I first arrived here, I was lost because I didn't know anything about the country I was settle in. In my first two days I realized that eNorway is an amazing country with fabulous people. I received help from all directions , and this way I managed to recover my strenght. I want to thank to all those that offered me help and to assure them that, I will do anythhing in my power to help people in danger as I once was. I also I want to express my thanks to all my party colleagues in TT , who encouraged me and helped me the most.
I am proud of my decision to move in your eCountry and I hope that in time to make myself worthy of the help I have received so far. If any inhabitant of this great eCountry is alike those who are helping strangers in trouble like myself , I am convinced that OUR eCountry will become a GREAT EMPIRE and I will be a proud member of IT. Let us rise this great eCountry together!!