Important tools for eRepublik

Day 1,098, 09:58 Published in Belarus USA by bernard75

With ErepTools, Zhunder and scripts like Erep Plus not being updated since the start of Rising, the most important tools in eRepublik are gone and are badly missed.

But young and energetic developers have taken the opportunity to come up with various new ones and i will try to give you a panorama of them. Among them there are real gems like battle stats, maps, market search, scripts, databases, calculators and various others:

eRepuplik Market by Railman:
The developer has taken up the challenge to filter the new Erep API for the cheapest products and is doing a mighty fine job at it. It uses a unique approach as it shows you how much wellness you get for 1 gold and where to get it. Additional to that it features an awesome array of company tools and a hospital locator. This is slowly turning into the new ErepTools.

Super Tanks by Jantsa:
This handy site shows the rankings in Strength, Rank, Workskill and Medals. The real gem here are the listings by EDEN, Phoenix, neutral, new countries or even just your country.
Unfortunately it's only updated sporadically and in no way as complex as Zhunder/Maxihellas, but since the API is down for an unforeseeable time this is as good as it gets.

Battle Monitor by rlip:
Ever wondered how you can see if your alliance is wining at any moment and what the exact difference is? We'll this tool does just that. You need Adobe AIR to run this one. But be careful admins don't like too heavy usage of it.

Company calculator by aborigen:
Excellent offline company calculator with fully integrated API support.
You need NET. Framwork to run this one.

eRepublik Advanced by Roktaal:
eRA has taken on the legacy of Erep Plus. The script improves eRepublik by adding missing links, buttons, etc. or by removing things users don't like. It is fully customizable and it is modular so every user can turn on/off parts of the script. It has become the most important script to have.
Unfortunately the original script is discontinued, but is still updated by several people.

eRepublik Market Tools by asylume:
The main goal for eRMT is to improve erepublik market. This script removes 2 bugs, adds real values and ratios like price per given wellness, health and both of them. With that feature you can always buy the best food offers on market with less time spent, very useful when in fight.

eAnalytics by Liberwing:
This site features several important databases for best salaries around the world, currency exchange market, country statistics and calculators for productivity and fights. Additionally you won't find this kind of election tracker offered here anywhere else. That's also the place to look for Sasha237's eRepublik Map Editor.

MaxiHellas by Tall_niki:
The new Zhunder! Incredible amount of work has gone into this and it really has even surpassed Zhunder. You can search for your citizen, watch damage by battle or country, create your own battle stats list and all sorts of stuff like best v2 fighters/countries and battle heroes. Let's hope this gets updated once APi is fully functional.

eRepData by
Many of databases already introduced are available here. Additional to that you get top citizens
sortable by military or economic skill and even country. Also really great stats on how much of what skills is available in any country and a new companies database. The developer needs to update this one as it is still on v2 time.

eGobba by Gobba:
This is a flash based world map and while its not being updated, it still beats Ereps map by lengths.
The hospitals, def systems are worthless and the alliances have shifted a bit, but the raw materials and adjacent countries are still up to date.

Zone calculator, Hospitals and Influence Calculator:
Three tools to find the right ticket you need, to find a hospital you can heal in and a calculator of your current influence.

Congratulations to the new elite of developers, keep up the good work!
If you have an useful tool or know of one, please post in comments and i will add it.
Please note that because of API limitations, mistakes and no support some tools might work faulty or not at all.