Important News: A New Great War in West Asia

Day 460, 09:02 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

Earlier today, President of eRomania, dsalageanu has proposed a war on eIran. Not only will this be a great PEACE VS ATLANTIS conflict, but this alone will be greatest conflict brought upon near our home land in some time. Currently, a war proposal against Iran is passing within Romanian congress unanimously. This is Atlantis mission to gain power within Asia, the front, which had been calm, and provided peaceful growth of our nation (other than takeover attempt of course.) due to the fact our Asian western front were secured completely by Peace, and our rather friendly (or neutral) relationship with eUSA, our land had been same from any direct foreign attacks other than few uprising and rebellion from our Asian neighbor Korea, which seeks its independence and freedom.

Although for Past few month, eJapan had taken rather semi-neutral position within PEACE, this new attacks by eRomania into the Iranian land not only possess threat to PEACE, but to the future stability of Asian nations. Our western front will once again be more vulnerable for a future advancing Atlantis force. This new war, if won by the Romanians, will up sets the balance within Asia, and will cause great threat to our national security and future continuance of our nation, if Atlantis chose to advance on. This is not a foreign crisis anymore. It is now a national issue as well, as our future national security is in jeopardy from it.

Although in Japan, Iran is not something everyone loves, due to the Past Mafia attack on our land near the end of 2008. I know not many citizens will wish to support Iran knowing the past uncontrolled expansion into heartland Asia. However, if Atlantis secures a Military outpost within Asia, it will be worse than our ally within the same alliance holding onto the land. We must stop uncontrolled Romanian expansions within Asian heart land before they get anywhere close to our land.

Currently, Japan is completely secure on almost entire regions. The recent Russian revolution had completely secured our northern region from Atlantis nation. Only spot which currently have opening for foreign attack in through Kyushu which is connected to Hawaii. This had allowed us for past few months pursue pretty much isolationist ways to remain ourselves within our shell. However, this new turn of event cause us once again to crack open such shell.

Atlantis soldiers also, at current time hold a party within Pakistan which could be used in future for the possible political take over machine. If Romanians break through Iran, our western regions, which are completely surrounded by Pakistan, may be in danger, if they wish to use retreat buttons to surrender regions. At the current time, the Asia is in critical state, and we must defend ourselves. If Romania enters Asia, and then whole Asia is lost.

Our allies from PEACE already have great plans against this attack, since we had good idea about such development and such plans by Romanians when we smelled something fishy when Romanians called for cease fire within Hungary. Our allies from PEACE currently have plan for stopping Romanians, to stop Asia from falling into chaos. And in case such plan is carried out, our soldiers must be ready to be able to fight when we need to. I ask all the soldiers who will be able to fight and who is willing to perhaps be sent aboard to fight to contact me right away so I have the right head count of our active soldiers. We, at the current time are not yet sending any soldiers over in Iran to fight. However, our nation must be on high alert, able to send our soldiers or to defend ourselves, when we need to. If you are interested in fighting aboard or is willing to fight aboard if needed, please contact me ASAP. If you are running for congressmen, please do not contact me for military, since congress election are happening in few days.

Currently I need to evaluate the current military state of Japan, and need to check our supplies, and active soldiers. And for now I ask you to report to me, so I will personally know the exact number. I had let King B and InfernoSD take care of this till now, but this is time I step in, so that thing may go and happen quickly and smoothly, Since this requires immediate attention. Also, If you have anything to comment about this, Please go to our eJapan forum and make a thread there to keep little privacy.

Again, Japan must be on high alert for new few weeks. The Atlantis VS PEACE conflict is now coming over to Asia, and our security will in jeopardy if our own nation is in turmoil or divided. We must be prepared for anything, and continue to be united so that we are safe from foreign threats. We must also continue our support to PEACE, for our own national security, and stop Romanian expansion, before they get closer to us. We must be aware. If there is someone within eJapan which is tying to divide and break our country apart within politically and break our union through their method to be uncooperative, perhaps they are not here to stand and defend Japan at all, but rather to cause our downfall.