Day 1,317, 16:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community


Firstly, I admit I have been unusually quiet of late (less competitions, less articles) and I know that’s not good enough. I set some high standards when I took this role and I've met most of those standards (in my opinion) up until the 20th of June. During my time as MoC I've helped to generate record funding for the community. There has been extremely high activity (with this article being my 28th). I have records of every cent that was donated to and from The Irish Community, if anyone feels the need to do an audit, I am willing to provide any requested information. I've never once made a cent from my role as MoC, any donations made to my personal account were immediately transferred to The Irish Community. I have felt a deep responsibility to protect, promote and nurture The Irish Community, sometimes at my own personal cost (e.g. removing an article in a rage).

I do admit that I suffered from some “disillusion with Ministerial life” over the last week or so, some things I left to fester and build up over time. Things I should have spoken up about but didn’t. Plenty of regrets! The MoC was seen by the latest CP to be nothing more than a token gesture in my opinion. For example, on the forum the MoC is not even listed as part of the June Cabinet. I left it go, I shouldn’t have.

Even without the support of the current CP, I've been very active in supporting the current cabinet. I've organised fund-raising for much needed capital for MPP's, which were donated to the Central Bank. I've come to the help of the DoD on numerous occasions when supplies were low. I was in the process of getting the community involved in RW's through a raffle. I understand the difficulties the country is experiencing at present and I also understand the importance of the Community in times like this. They can take our regions but they can’t take our Community.

As of yesterday The Irish Community had a remarkable 16,570.02 IEP and 32.6 Gold in cash. When I took the role we had a mere 624.16 IEP and 1.33 Gold.

I was planning on going out with a bang, thanks to a huge donation of weps from Nogin the nog which would be part of a competition to run this weekend. I was also planning a RW Raffle with a prize-fund of 10,000 IEP. Even with these 2 large give-aways The Irish Community was going to be cash rich when I stepped down as MoC at the end of this term.

That was the plan at least, until today...

Then 10,000 IEP was removed from The Irish Community by our CP to fund a RW in Cork. This action was not cleared with the MoC, I received no message or formal request to make funds available or to assist in this RW. The funds were just removed by the CP. He sent me a message explaining why he took the funds. The RW doesnt even seem to have been co-ordinated with the IA as there were no orders or notices for some time. In the end the RW was lost and the IEP with it.

If people within the Irish Community wished to fund RW's they would send donations to the Central Bank or the DoD. The reason people kindly donate to the Irish Community is to fund the activities of the MoC. The MoC does not care for Political, Economical or Military affairs (however the MoC is not blind to these matters and will do everything within its powers to assist, when requested). The MoC only cares for Irish Citizens and friends of the Community.

The Irish Community is not a slush fund for the Government or for a CP. After today’s events, I have decided that I can no longer work with this CP and his clear disrespect towards the Irish Community. Therefore I am tendering my resignation with immediate effect.

Mise le meas,

Irish Community Lotto - 01/July/2011
Get your ticket here

When wiped follow this easy guide (first written by Seanan) to keeping your glorious nation battling on!
1. Buy Irish Goods
2. Take Irish Jobs
3. Read Irish News
4. Move to allied country, and fight for allies!
5. Join the resistance, join the Irish Army!

Make sure to Subscribe, Vote and Shout this paper to all your eIrish friends, it's your community after all. If you have any suggestions, opinions or criticisms please feel free to drop me a message at any time.

Finally please donate to The Irish Community or DerBrad if you can, so that we will have fantastic prizes and awards for the worthy winners. The Irish Community is funded solely by Donations.

Friends of the Community in June are:
sir adriano prette, Viktor Kurgan, Patrick O'leary, Linus Ben, Sean Power, antidrasi3, Kaniballos, Faethor79, Ulaidian, Seanan, James Keiller, John Gormley, Bhane, maverick10 Dodge Knight, barakObamias, ChewChewShoe, Bacalsaki, Luminara, arkass, castaneda, Bash_the_Fash, Skylovaravas, Skywalker85, Galloglaich, pete sake, Aris Veluxiotis, Nogin the nog, Anthony Colby, Fanis The Great, SteaminPete, thanos126, Crazy Ivann, Pavlaras_V, Pat Pascal, Yddub Emwolb, General Viktor, Luka Percac, Kostis7, orangejuicemmm.

Mise le meas,
Irish Minister of Community
Thanasis Klaras
Deputy Minister of Community