Important Communiqué from the King

Day 3,983, 09:59 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Legendardisch
Please stand for the national Anthem

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands
By Royal Decree, I, Legendardisch the First, hereby introduce you to a new sign type.

This sign will be very visible along our coasts, pointing towards the British Isles. Any potato planters, harvesters, chefs, connoisseurs or sellers, from the British Isles, and the Irish island, in particular, is hereby forbidden entry to the eNetherlands.

All aggression will be met with forced pancake torture by my right-hand master of Pancakes, my left-hand Cheese Infuser and my advisor specialized in executing foreigners by force-feeding them the delicate known as drop.

We hadn't hoped to do these barbaric things, but keep your stinking potatoes out of here.

King Legendardisch