Importance of Off-Site Resources

Day 562, 17:15 Published in USA USA by Dmalicious

I know many of my readers have gotten great knowledge from my eUSA FAQ series and I hope I've done well in educating new players and helping them stay active in the game. However I must stress the fact that eRepublik is a very, very dynamic community. The bonds that are formed through eRepublik can be felt in the real-world meetings. The level of dedication and cooperation can be seen in the countless off-site resources available to all players. From productivity calculators to Facebook pages, this game's community is an intricate society in and of itself that is ever expanding - whether the admins approve or not.

That is why I am writing this article. I want to give a chance for new players to find these off-site resources and learn before they give up on the game. I want them to grow in experience, skill, and understanding in eRep. I want the noob of today to be president eight months down the line - not only for the longevity of the game but for the general enjoyment of all.

So, my idealist assertions aside, I'll introduce some off-site resources that almost every active player in the game uses at least once a week:

Universal Resources

eUSA Forums
This is where congress meets. This is where the decisions are made. If you are a citizen of the eUSA and you want to delve deeper into the heart and soul of the game - these are the forums for you!
There's no words to describe how useful this page is. This website has all you need to play eRepublik: productivity calculators, damage calculators, product prices, etc. It's an invaluable resources for experienced players and newbies alike and business owners can't live without it!

eGobba is quite honestly one of the most vital resources this game has. It has an interactive map of the eWorld with several filters for useful information. It also has a wellness gain calculator and a company management directory. It's user-friendly and, most importantly, is always up-to-date.

eRep Tools
Statistics, statistics, statistics. If you want statistics - economic, military, etc. this is the place for you.

Not exactly the most user-friendly resource out there, but this basically combines all the resources of the previous websites into one.

Party Resources

USWP Forums
Official forums of the United States Workers' Party - largest political party in the world.

Libertarian Forums
Official forums of the Libertarian Party.

UIP Forums
Official forums of the United Independents Party

CvP Forums
Official forums of the Conservative Party

AAP Forums
Official forums of America's Advancement Party

NP Forums
Official forums of the Nationalist Party

*Note: Any failed links or false URL's should be reported to the eMerica Gazette via the comments section.

I hope this helps some new players out there who want something more out of the game.

Proud Member of the USWP
Senator from Virginia