Imperialistic America

Day 410, 07:38 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand
By: Zagarius

As many of you know or have heard, the eUSA has been called THE IMPERIALISTIC AGGRESSOR in our attacks and wars around the globe. Funny to be called that, as our history shows different. It shows how we threw off the yokes of an imperialistic empire, namely the UK. Now as we are allies, we stand against another Imperialistic government, FRANCE!

Yes France - or did you not realize there was something called the French Experiment? The French attempted push the French language to be the 2nd language spoke around the world after English? Not surprisingly, it did fail and miserably at that. Now they want to take over more land to push their agenda of 'PEACE'.

Lately there has been some discussion about starting a little dust-up with Mexico. Some have come out surprised and shocked by this discussion. I am confused why that is. Why attack far away from us? What is so different attacking France and not Mexico? There is nothing separating us in either theater of war, but I can guess that all the Defense Systems are over on the East Coast and the Southwest is left, well very bare. IF we started a war in Mexico as the Brazilians and Indonesians attack Argentina, a couple things could happen.

1. - We win nothing, but pull enough defenders to fight for Mexico that Argentina keeps her territory!

2. - We win territory and gold from Mexico, Argentina still has territory because the fighters are split between Mexico and Argentina!

3. - We open a 4th front and no one wins anything and we all just gain Fighting experience.

4. - We attack and save Argentina, but PEACE now attacks our weak underbelly. Yes, this is possible too.

You see, we have several PROs and a CON. I say this should be done even if we do not win because we save OUR ALLY! Indecision loses more battles than any decisive decision. So, what do you think we should do?

Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
-George Washington