Imperial Sun Rises

Day 448, 17:13 Published in Japan Japan by Tohru

The Imperial Sun Party has risen, taking second in ranking. This is a great triumph for us.

I would like to welcome those of you who joined recently; I am grateful you chose us.

Thanks to new members, and of course the tremendous efforts of Vice President of the party, King B, we have risen to a position of importance. We have a voice at last, and will use our voice to make Japan into a great nation.

Those who are contemplating joining the party, do not let our authoritarianism frighten you.
This simply means we stand for a greater Japan, one that will have authority in our sphere of influence; we will not be controlled by nations around us. Our authoritarianism does not refer to absolute governmental power.

For those who want to learn more about our party, please check the Imperial Sun website. You will find all our policies and political platforms there in detail.

I would like to again thank those of you who joined for choosing us, and hope others of you reading will as well.

To all reading, take care and be safe.

Atode ne!