Imperial Sun Party Presidential Primaries

Day 743, 07:29 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party
Country President Elections

This is the official newspaper of the Imperial Sun Party. All Imperial Sun Party members and those interested in eJapanese politics are asked to read, vote, and subscribe to the "New Society" newspaper.

ISP voters, this is again your chance to influence national politics. Many of you are aware that the Imperial Sun Party has the largest congressional delegation, but we also have one of the strongest voter bases, thanks to active party members such as yourself. In the recent congressional election, Imperial Sun Party candidates received more than 120 votes, a number which possibly indicates our probable votes in a presidential election. The announced candidates for president of Japan are incumbent president Dokomo (Godzilla) and Smily132 (eSOS Brigade).

The country president party primary [discussion] is available here:

The country president party primary [vote] is available here:

Party members, please go and express your opinions and vote soon!

Please give special consideration to candidate's positions on foreign affairs. As many of you know, Japan was formerly a member of the PEACE GC alliance. In the last month, PEACE GC has fallen apart, with the most influential (and aggressive) members leaving the organization. This has placed our national security arrangement with them in doubt as PEACE could probably no longer help us repel a Russian or US attack should that occur. Fortunately we have established other bilaterial Mutual Protection Pacts which will keep us relatively safe. However, we must ensure that this security continues in the future. President Dokomo now moves us towards the EDEN alliance, of which the USA is now a member. This could possibly place us into conflict with Russia, particularly as we have opposed their attacks in North Korea and China. He has also named Alfanasiy Drago, former President of North Korea and new (as of two days ago) Japanese citizen, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a move that may place us into further conflict with the Russians.

I bring this up now because it is important that leaders and candidates be clear about their decision-making process. Moving into conflict with Russia essentially leaves us no choice but to ally with the Americans. This is not necessarily a bad thing--the Russians have been very heavy-handed with their attacks in Asia lately, and this goes against our principles as believers in the Righteous Nation philosophy. However, I hope the the United States will take the moral high ground and confront the offenders directly as opposed to advocating an easy short cut such as a Kyushu region swap, as the Indonesians did four months ago.

Personally, I continue to support Dokomo as president because he and the Godzilla Party have brought many good changes to the country. The economy is doing as well as can be expected, given the lack of natural resources in Japan, and we have a surplus of gold now due to Minister of Finance Vorph's tweaking of the monetary market. When the party primary [vote] is closed, I suspect that a majority of the Imperial Sun Party members will also continue to support him.

I am also pleased to say that there has been a lot of progress in rank progression in the Japanese military. As Minister of Defense, I have been following many of you closely and have been pleased to see many of you make general and even field marshal at rates of speed not possible without government assistance. We have also established depot organizations like Teishin Shudan and Imperial Japanese Airforce that provide our high-ranking, high-strength members of the military with immediate Q5 weapons access so we can have a maximum effect in battle. The president and I will continue to work on effective methods for distributing orders to the Japanese military, but the success of this endeavor rests mainly with the soldiers and how active they choose to be in carrying out orders. Get online, go the the IRC channel on the Coldfront servers and read the JIA Reports newspaper for orders.

To further improve our military's performance, I would also like to see gifts made available to our soldiers so they can get in an extra fight without purchasing wellness boxes. Hopefully a share agreement can be worked out with the JIS organization which has the government gift company and more than 1000 Q1 gifts in stock.

And lastly, an update....

The National Bank of eJapan, located in Nihonbashi, the heart of Neo-Tokyo, where the stolen money was returned!

The theft of the national treasury was a serious crime and brought attention to the issue of password security. The organizations that move the government--military orgs, Bank of Japan, Japanese Interior Service--all need money to do their work. Cabinet ministers and the president have the passwords, so it is very important that only reliable people have access to the organization passwords. Fortunately the Admin took action, returned the money, and issued bans to offenders.

No, really, this is the last thing...

What are the candidates positions on groping?

Imperial Sun Party President