Imperial Sun Party Congressional Campaign

Day 643, 08:39 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

The Imperial Sun Party

The Imperial Sun Party is one of the oldest parties in Japan, but the direction it is moving in is new! Massive changes in the New World brought about by the World War and the recent population boom means that the old ways have changed. The ISP seeks to ensure Japan's continued security and prosperity.

Accountability in goverment
The ISP wishes to ensure that all government organizations and their operators (who controls the passwords) are known to the general public at all times, and that decisions made on important daily activities, such as monetary market offers by the National Bank of Japan and weapons donations by the Japanese Imperial Army are conducted transparently and explanations provided in a timely and clear manner. This is a change from the past.

Economic Plan
We would like to support the establishment of Japanese-operated iron mines in high resource regions overseas that would sell to Japanese weapons manufacturers as reduced costs, passing the savings on to the Japanese citizenry.

ISP congressmen actively debated the creation of the Office of Immigration so that members of congress from all parties can discuss immigration issues and citizenship applications. In the coming month, we will establish that forum in the national forums.

National Defense
We also helped get the Japanese Imperial Army moving in a more active direction. Our soldiers are now rapidly gaining rank. For more information, please go here:

Please vote on August 25th for an ISP candidate in your region!

Our official party candidates are listed below:





Reiji Mitsurugi

Shusui Kotoku

Huang Chung

Miyagi Kesuke


rikugun hare
crawling chaos


Yumiko Tsuzuki


Dame Ningen

Koppanyi Ferenc

Lauri Mursu