Imperial Sun Party

Day 423, 15:44 Published in Japan Japan by Tohru

With the collapse of the Mafia's Kodoha Party, the Rising Sun of Japan emerges, burning away the blight of the past with its brilliance.

The Imperial Sun Party will be a glistening light for the future of Japan. We have a focus on Authoritarianism, however not necessarily referring to the authority of the government, but the nation as a whole. The Imperial Sun Party is an advocate of a stronger Japan in all aspects; militarily, economically, and influentially.

In regards to foreign policies, the ISP stands for honor, and respect for other nations, with close relations with its neighbors, and good relations with other nations abroad. Nations that purposely harm Japan, however, will not be met with our good side.

Although these ideas are rather vague, we hope you understand the meaning, and wish to see you join us.

Japan needs a greater voice, and we need you to be that voice.