Impeachment, bribes and accusations

Day 1,113, 23:55 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

Impeachment, the new hot topic for eSouth Korea!

The raging battle between the two of whom you should already now well by now is a rather amusing one, with objects and words of force being thrown about. It's also quite mood-lifting when the candidate who came in just before them suggests another alternative, so I guess we'll have delicious dramatic debate for a nice while.

Now it's hard for you to say, "You have activated my trap card!"

In the form of a PM, I received what seemed to be a bribe. Even though the offer of "weapons and gold" is tempting for others, I generally have no strength at all to put good weapons to use and lack the capability to run a company at the current moment. I'm not naming anyone (or anything, if that's how you roll with calling people RL Koreans or Romanians all day long), but I honestly just expected better from any person in general.

I wonder how many more articles I create can be relevant to Winston Peters in a way? But seriously, "You got that? N O, to every one of the allegations you have made."

At the current moment, the most sensible conclusion is that no one is completely correct. This is understandable and it is also why we're always having these debates that seem pointless, but in this case, there are too many words being said to count. One of the opposing parties could be lying about their intentions completely, they both might have the same intentions or even worse, they might both turn into heartless!

Gone mining.

Whatever the outcome, you, the one who's always working and training, must continue working and training. If you choose to leave the country due to the decisions being made, I respect that. If you intend to stay to see where all of this goes, then you have to remember that you're doing your part for the community too, whatever it is you're doing.