Im sorry, I have to laugh.

Day 882, 16:40 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

I had to publish an article today, its been a while since I have been active and published an article in Israel. I have been
Dormant you might say in Missouri,My vacationing spot in Erepublik. I have been watching major events with Israel
over the last month or so, but no major interaction. I don't have to tell 95% of you who I am, you already know me, you like
me or you don't, and i'm fine with it either way.

But anyway...

I cant help but laugh when I read articles regarding a run for office anymore, everyone has something to promise, everyone
babbles on and on about what they will do for the people and how they will be a friend to the people. Everyone is the best at what they claim they do.

I find several people that are worthy to their word here in Israel, people like Sadeh Badeh, Filthy Mcnasty, Aeroner, Sam Krackower and on and on, They have contributed greatly to Israel since their presence here, whether or not I or other people agree with
particular ideas they have as individuals or not. People like this have kept Israel running, they have built a foundation that a lot of newbies to Israel pull off of and yearn for credit for a foundation that someone laid along time ago.

I get a kick out of people running for Senate that promise the barn, when they don't even own the property yet.

A Senators job is to monitor the Presidents administration and their activities and their motives and work as a permission team, or as a team that slaps the presidents hand and says no you little bitches your not getting it your way, this isn't burger king.

Senators can promote ideas and put items up for a senate vote, however if the Israel Knesset
operates the way it did during the three terms I was in operation as a Senator in Israel, The president and his administration and his right hand senators that work very closely with the administration with hopes of one day stabbing whoever the president is at the time in the back and become president by themselves, set up a policy that works like this- no one,no one, not one, are to introduce an item for vote in the system without debate in the forums first, and an artificial vote behind closed doors first.

So in light of that, if a Rogue senator tries to introduce an item for system vote without discussion with the administration or the other senators all senators are to vote NO if don't want to be demonized by the right hand senators and their administration. So therefore a Senator
as an Individual has no real powers, they are just a voice in the sea of Power within Israel. The vote would be dead on arrival.

In my opinion to really see progress and motion forward in Israel politically, Economically, Militarily, and Domestically as a whole, you have to have a party of Senators that all run together! we have parties, but the Senators don't coordinate their efforts.

Wouldn't it be great say, if a group of 10 consolidation party senators that are running for seats get together about a month before election time and develop a coordinated policy and an agenda that they will run on together, and Instead of releasing 10 different useless articles
claiming they will do this and that, you release 1 Article as a group with your platform. The difference between 1 and 10 is the fact that
there is more power in numbers.

So what I'm trying to say, is that if you are lone rogue senator, regardless of what party your from, don't come out and promise anything, unless you are well known and a right hand man to the president, because if your not, you are essentially just a number, and you
only have the power to either go along or oppose the masses as an individual.

Now sometimes within congressional halls, when Items come up for debate, you will have pockets of senators that will choose to vote together to overcome an item. but the majority of the time its too late. The opposition or pro movement is not organized enough and someone in the coalition
group has differences and it all goes to hell in a basket.

Unless you are part of a coalition of intra-party members, or a straight party line coalition running for congress don't promise anything because your probably just full of shit or ignorant of whats going on around you, and you haven't done anything for the country as an individual senator, you just voted with or against another group who is organized.

Well, I'm done with my rant, I think Ive hit on some good point. Senators get together, and organize. USE THE WORD PARTY wisely. You are a party, run together on one platform, and everyone should stick too it, or they could kiss their political career goodbye. We can get a lot more done in one direction or another this way.

I'm still laughing over some of the platform articles current and past that I have been reading today, hold on Ive got to run to the bathroom, I think i just wet myself.

No offense meant. Just smile, Vote, and Move on.

Bring nothing, Leave nothing but your IP record.