Im Home, India United.

Day 666, 05:21 Published in India India by kansarasumit

I'd like to let everyone know, that I have switched to India United party. I have made this move to allow me more time to concentrate on my job as a MoFA and other Administrations.

I would like to thank DPI for all its love and I know that DPI has good hands to take care of her.

India United is my home but DPI will always remain in my heart. I will return back sometime - but right now i got more important issues to take care of.

Thank You DPI for all your love, I had an amazing time. My term as the DPI party president will be a time I will cherish for the rest of my political career. I will always be around, but right now I gotta go home.

Im Back Home IU. I hope the new Party President laid out the shiny Red Carpet for my welcome and sexy ladies with a campaign bottle.

Jai Hind. Jai Azad Hind Fauj
