Igor Thunderbrow Manifesto for Taoiseach April 2009

Day 499, 12:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow
Presidential Election Manifesto
April 2009

Irish Union Party

1) Introduction
2) Democracy
3) Action Politics
4) Investment in a Brighter Future
5) Departmental Priorities


The Irish Union Party would like to use this opportunity to express its plans for a better eIreland. As party president, I hope to show you why you should vote for the Irish Union Party for congress. Before I get into the issues I feel that I should introduce you to our party.

The Irish Union Party is full of members dedicated to helping to build a better country for all of us. I tell you this, none of us are in this for the good of anyone or anything except our great country. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability in office. The Irish Union Party are a party that you can trust.

The Irish Union Party believe in a unified and united Ireland. An Ireland where all our citizens regardless of politics, personal gain or business interests, work together to make a better eIreland for all our citizens.

The Irish Union Party want to bring Democracy back into eIrish Politics. We feel that in a Democracy the people need to be kept informed and should have a large input into decisions since the basis of a democracy is not the president or the congress but the general public. We believe in a democracy, not an oligarchy run by a few influential politicians and businessmen, where the country is run by the people and for the people. An Ireland where everyone has a say.

Yours sincerely,
Igor Thunderbrow
Party President of the Irish Union Party


The Irish Union Party is committed to furthering the Democratic rights of the eIrish People. We are the party that has worked hardest for democracy in our nation.

What we have already done:

1) The Irish Union Party was the only party to actively campaign for a referendum on ESA accession
2) The Irish Union Party is the only party to publicly endorse a United Ireland
3) Through the efforts of the Irish Union Party our nation finally has a constitution.

If elected the Irish Union Party will uphold the eIrish Constitution and put our utmost efforts into getting admin enforcement for this integral document. The Constitution will be the basis of our governance. We will pursue our work towards an eIreland working together regardless of party allegiance or political persuasion. The Irish Union Party believes that eIreland must work together for our future.

If elected we promise to pursue the following:
1) A Referendum to give the people a choice concerning our membership of the European Social Alliance
2) An eIreland where every voice counts regardless of class, experience or political allegiance
3) An eIreland that will be run explicitly under the legislation set out under the eIrish constitution.

If elected our plan of government will reach out to members of all political parties to further the good of the nation. We also will bring in a number of new faces to bring some innovation and spontinuity to eIrish politics. It is time that more than a small cadre of less than ten politicians ran every government without exception. The Irish Union Party is committed to an innovative and dynamic new governance.

For a more democratic eIreland vote for Igor Thunderbrow and Eamon_de Valera on Sunday 5th April

Action Politics

The Irish Union Party want to see a more active government. We will ensure that your government actively work for the good of this nation.

In the past governments have tried to hide behind endless bureaucracies and convoluted paperwork in Dáil Éireann. The Irish Union Party rejects this type of governance. In the past it has been the Irish Union Party that has taken action when the government has failed to.

1) Ratifying the eIrish Constitution and putting some actual legislation in place
2) Helping found the United Ireland Party in Northern Ireland
3) Complete reform of various departments through the IUP ministries in Defence and Health in particular.

Immediatly upon assuming office we will get to work on improving this country.

We will govern this nation as it deserves and work as hard as we possible can to make eIreland a better place.

Vote Igor Thunderbrow and Eamon_de Valera for a Government that works for you

Investment in our Future

The Irish Union Party believes that more steps need to be taken for the future of our nation.

At present eIreland has only four hospitals and houses are incredibly hard for new players to afford. Therefore these are the areas of the eIrish economy that the Irish Union Party will concentrate on if you elected us to lead the next Government

1) Housing

We believe that every active eIrish Citizen should be able to look forward to owning a house and realise that at the moment housing prices are ridiculous.

Therefore we wish to use the state housing company to produce cheap, state subsidised housing for new players and also to offer a number of financing options to assist new players on buying their first home (details in previous article).

For affordable housing for eIreland's citizens, vote Igor Thunderbrow and Eamon_de Valera.

2) Infrastructure

At present Ireland has only four hospitals, the regions on Cork & Kerry and the Northeast.

We have decided to prioritise the region of Cork & Kerry for the next term as it is more vulnerable to invasion but critically it is our second largest population centre. The fact that such a highly populated region has no region is disgraceful. We will get to work on this hospital immediatly upon assuming office.

We will carry out these action plans through the state companies initiative. We already own the companies to produce both so producing these much needed houses and hospitals will cost no more than running any other state company. To aid this we will close down production in the State Weapons Company as we believe that a stock of 1200 weapons is more than enough to be kept in reserve ( we will aim to keep this weapons reserve above the 1000 mark) as no weapons are needed at present besides for the very rare occasions when we go on peace keeping missions.

For foresight and investment in your future vote for Igor Thunderbrow and Eamon_de Valera

Departmental Priorities

1) Minister of Defence
-Pretty much as per usual. Will focus on getting IDF combat experience through peace keeping missions, will work closely with Minister of Foreign Affairs. Also will concentrate domestically on securing our nation with defence infrastructure beginning with Hospitals. The Irish Union Party has been instrumental in developing the IDF into an organised and battle ready organistion in the last two terms of my Defence Ministry.

2) Minister of Foreign Affairs:
- Will pursue active and healthy relations with our neighbours, US, UK and Canada. I also want the ministry to actively align ourselves with other small nations especially those that are under threat of invasion.

3) Minister of Finance:
- Will overlook the two branches of state finance. This portfolio will be a mainly administerial role and overlook its two subsidiary ministries.
(i) Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
- This department will look after the running of State Companies and ensuring that new citizens have decent waged jobs waiting for them. The Minister will be concentrating on the housing and health industries within the state companies initiative and help develop eIreland into a manufacturing and construction based economy.

(ii) Department of the Treasury
- Will provide state savings initiatives (bonds), house leasing and/or mortgage schemes and run the state lottery. This ministry will publish a budget at the end of the month so that Government expenditure is trabsparent as it should be in a democratic nation. They will be in control of state finances and the funding of the other ministries.

5) Minister of Health
- Will operate as it is now. This ministry has been run quite well, the only change is that I would like to see more communication to the eIrish people from the department to ensure that they know the options available to them.

6) Minister of Education and New Citizens
- As Education is a rather small portfolio and really only involves moderating the forums I have merged these. Both departments will pretty much as before.

For a more Democratic, Transparent Government and for investment in your future vote Igor Thunderbrow and Eamon_de Valera on April 5th

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir,

Igor Thunderbrow
Irish Union Party Presidential Candidate