If this is strategy, then RL North Korea builds awesome rockets

Day 1,633, 17:34 Published in USA Ireland by Fitisin

Today's tragic comedy in France and England sums up better than any article could the colossal and devastating failure of the current eUS Government's War Strategy and criminally incompetent structure to communicate with ordinary eUS players outside of the Members Only IRC channels inhabited by political insiders.

Act I: Polish Firing Squad

Before and during the recent Presidential Election, the eUS Government declared England its Natural Enemy for a morale boosting romp through the English countryside - a task that is as pointless as it is easy and fun.

We were told that it is the prelude to a glorious invasion of Europe from the North, to get to grips with Poland mano a mano - or Marco a Polo if you will. Indeed, eUS soldiers went through the eUK and into the icy environs of Scandinavia like a hot knife through butter. Easy victory after easy victory led us to a border with Poland. Before that moment, the elation of being provided easy victories and lots of rhetoric about how awesome we are delivered a boat load of votes for President Artela and the usual assortment of players who have run things off and on for, you know, forever. Lots of flag-waving articles from newbs caught up in the moment and we thumped each other on the back and thought, "We're sooo awesome."

And that's when the bottom dropped out of the boat.

A blind man could've seen us coming and plans were well underway at ONE headquarters. Anyone with the understanding of a) simple math on potential battle damage output and b) understands the great joy that ONE nations derive from fighting and beating the big ol' RL superpower of America could see the pounding we were about to take.

Once the border with Poland was joined, the Polish Congress (what do you call that, the Polegress?) got the jump on our leaders, who were busy congratulating themselves on beating the tiniest nations in this game. They introduced their Natural Enemy proposal seconds before the eUS did the same. Poland was able to capture the battle initiative, and the rest is history. We went from being the hot knife to the butter.

The final humiliation was hundreds of eUS players not realizing that we wanted to LOSE the Resistance War to Great Britain for the block and close the war with Poland with a little face are slamming away winning (thus losing) this fight for the eUSA. Why? DoD Orders posted late and zero grassroots communication from gov't officials that Yorkshire was a block and players should fight for the British Resistance. The silence, and our embarrassment, is deafening.

Act II: Vive le Goulash

I ranted on too long above, so I have to keep these short. While all that was going on Hungary waltzed into France, gobbling up cheese, wine and territory. I was confused at first why they didn't head south and join a border with our resource-valuable territories in southern France. Then I realized that their plan was deeper than a two-way confrontation with us.

Act III: Slippery Slovenians

Slovenia took a huge bullet for the ONE team and also invaded France. with all the Kung Fu fighting going on, they would sacrifice territory to EDEN in the East. They have, however, established a direct border with our territories in southern France, and then into Spain from which the eUS has derived its max production bonuses (all except Baja's Saltpeter).

EPILOGUE: We are screwed beyond all comprehension.

Croatia fights for existence. Bulgaria is in Turkey. Greece trades territory with Fyrom. Now, thanks to us, Poland has a border with eCanada, Hungary is ravaging central France and ONE through its sacrifice bunter, Slovenia is poised to roll us right out of Europe.

Watch for vague, "this is all part of our secret strategy" crap from the government. Whatever it is, it's Christmas in May for ONE.