Identity Clarification

Day 467, 19:25 Published in USA USA by Warren Moore

It has come to my attention that a fairly new citizen to the eUS has come armed with a name quite similar to my own. His name: Justin Moore. By simply looking at my own citizen name, you can see the similarities.

Now, on a game where mutli's are punished by permanent exile, I feel it is my duty to state that I have no affiliation whatsoever with said person. He and I are not the same person, and I daresay not at all alike (based on shouts, comments, etc.). Good people of America, this new citizen has become quite a headache to me. I have no doubt that his statements will be confused with mine and chaos will ensue, for me at least.

As to the actual character of Justin Moore, I cannot say. I have no notable opinion of him as of yet, and, going even further, no room to judge. I wish him the best of luck in eRepublik, and to make sure that people do not get us confused, I have written this article.

I usually close my articles with, "Moore out," but it seems I have to go with something else...

Moore blessings for all voters! (it's a pun, see?)

No, I think tradition is most comfortable to my meager subscribers (Are there even any?)

Moore out.