
Day 710, 15:26 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

To all the citizens of Japan, Konbanwa! As I announced previously, I am running for President. Allow me to give a background for my qualifications and accomplishments.

I am a
2x Congressman of North Korea
Ambassador to Japan
2x Congressman of Japan
2x Godzilla Party President
2x Secretary of Immigration
Sol Representative

I was born in Romania and used it's economy and Training Wars to level, after which I moved to NK and proceeded to fight against the PTO's that raced around that nation in it's early days. From there, I helped found the nation and forge ties with the other parties in the land. After the untimely demise of North Korea I moved to Japan and began establishing a new home. Here in Japan and I have led Godzilla Party of two months to successful Congress campaigns. The legislative goals I am most proud of have been the tax reforms that have encouraged manufacturing and cheap goods prices that are making our economy the envy of the world. In foreign affairs I spent some time with Sol before our withdraw working to guide Sol into taking a stand against Theocracy. And as Secretary of Immigration, I have been crafting policies for the new immigration system that Admins placed on the world.

Japan, one of the most important goals I have is to reform the governmental structure and bring more, specialized roles to people. To that end, I will choose a tiered cabinet structure, which will give Ministers the freedom to appoint secretaries and Under-Secretaries to delegate tasks to. My cabinet will look like this:

Vice President: Ember Firespiral

Ember has always been known to speak her mind and has never coddled anyone. She cares deeply about this country and will be an excellent advisor and aide to the President.

Minister of Defense: KITA Ikki
---Army Chief: Open
---Navy Chief: Chaotic1
---Mobile Forces Chief: Koppanyi Ferenc
---PEACEKeeper Liason: Open

I want to split the roles of MoD and Army Chief from KITA so that he can concentrate less on the quartermaster duties of the Army and more on strategic planning and oversight of the army. I want to see a PEACEKeeper Liason that can work between the military and PEACE specifically while keeping the Japanese people updated on the use of their funds and soldiers time.

Minister of Finance: Vorph
---Secretary of Trade: Oligagnon
---Secretary of Industry: Huang Chung

Vorph helped lead the tax reforms of the past month with me and has been successful at running many business types in the world. Oligagnon is a specialist in overseas trade and will work on expanding Japanese Raw Material opportunities for our local manufacturers. Huang Chung will work with the JIS on any Government owned companies that need to be run. Vorph, Ember, and myself will have access to the Bank and sign the new contract.

Minister of Internal Affairs: Metic
---Secretary of Communication: Open
---Secretary of Education: Plzdaddynooooo
---Secretary of Immigration: no1Kevlin
---Secretary of Culture and Events: Ember Firespiral

With Reiji leaving Internal Affairs to rule over Congress with an iron fist, I propose Metic take his spot in Internal Affairs. PDN is a consummate organizer and will seek out and educate new players. Kevlin will continue his tireless efforts to turn Kyushu into a Fortress Region. And lastly, I want a dedicated Communication official to collate and publish news of government activities on a regular basis.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lauri Mursu
---Secretary of Ambassadors: Lauri Mursu
---PEACE Representative: Oraizan, Open, Myself
---Secretary of Asian Affairs: Geno Garon
---EDEN/Brolliance Diplomat: PrincessMedyPi

One thing I want to see from Foreign Affairs is more specialization on regional affairs. We need to be communicating with Asia, especially if we join their war games. We need to be talking and publishing more about PEACE and what we do with them. And of course, we must not ignore the nations to the east such as the US and Canada. The key to all this is going to be handing off material to the Secretary of Communication or publishing it yourself, so that Japan can prosper from an informed citizenry.

What the Cabinet will do, I will discuss tomorrow.