IA's Presidential Candidate SamGibz Q

Day 953, 10:33 Published in South Africa South Africa by Independent Alternative
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The Independent Alternative is proud to announce that our July CP candidate is SamGibz. We recently had an in house Q&A with SamGibz and this is what he had to say:

Independent Alternative Presidential Candidate Q&A.

http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2009/06/07/a71326a44bf8f06da6d7ddbe3a341d8c.jpg" />

Samgibz the IA presidential candidate Q&A:
1.)What are your game strengths?
My particular strengths are that I can keep a calm rational head, I enjoy working with other people, I have a lot of experience from the game in terms of its economics, politics and military knowledge and I know how to communicate myself.

2.) What are your game weaknesses?
I do not know many of the players in the other Governments, however this is something I would address with immediate effect of becoming President.

3.) How much time do you currently spend on eRep and how much do you plan to spend once you become president?
On an average day I spend 7 hours on-line at least, some days this is can be up to 12 hours. There are of course occasional days where this is not possible, but I try to get on for an hour or so. I spend as much time as I can and so in terms of how many more hours I can put in, then I would honestly have to answer I cannot put any more in. I can however say this, much of my hours are non-productive, sat on forum reading what people say or sat in game watching events. Should I make presidency I plan to spend this time productively either talking to my cabinet members, other foreign relations or doing presidential work.

4.) How much time have you spent playing the beta?
It is difficult to say precisely how much time. I had beta if I remember correctly around the 15th of June and have played everyday. I quickly worked out the Working, Training, Library and Resting Modules and am now familiar with them. I also spent lots of time and given gold fighting on the Battle Module and so I understand how it all works. I also created a company and have a rough idea of the economic changes.

5.) What do you believe is required from a president that will possible take us into the beta and what expertise can you bring to the table?
I think that whoever is Presidents needs to learn quickly, have already experience of beta, educate those who do not know and make decisions on the new direction to take. I think I have the ability and do fulfil all of those aspects.

6.) What is your current view on the efforts made by the minister of security to stop a PTO? (Should It be up to government to stop this from happening or the individual parties?)
I think the Government has a responsibility to the eSA to ensure that a fair democracy is maintain through all means. The parties represent views and should not bare the responsibility of stopping PTO'ers in its entirety. They should however assist the Ministry of Security with its efforts and should assist with supporting the Minister of Security and their support.

7.) What's your view on eSAAF for v2?
I do believe that there is the need for a reform of the structure of the eSAAF in order to carry out manoeuvres on the battlefield efficiently. By this I do not mean disband the PG etc, these should be kept. What I mean is for squadrons of Air Units to be formed and so forth in order for orders to be given easily with little confusion. I would however trust in the Chief of Staff to ensure that they make the suitable adjustments after may aims to him are given.

8.) Who is your eRepublik hero and why?
I do not have a hero. Instead I admire the work of many people, for example, Ines, Zamrg, Enoch, Mark, Steven and countless more.

9.) What is your feeling on congress legislating for the president's actions? (How much say should congress have for what the president is allowed and not allowed to do?)
The President is elected by the people to run the country. Congress I see has a purpose, amongst its other duties such as citizenship, finance approvals and all approvals, to ensure that the Presidents actions are best. This should only extend to how the game mechanics allow and show their support to the President. They should have no say on Government itself. They should also impeach a President if he is doing an awful job.

10.)What's your feelings on "supplementary tools" like IRC and the forums? (Are they required and how much time should a president spend on these?)
I think that the forum has now become an essential supplementary tool to the extent that I personally would like to see even more dealings occurring on the forum. It is a fantastic resource that we must thank Zamrg for and we should make the most of it. I as President would spent any time on eRepublik also in the forums and it would be where the majority of my communications would be made and where I would organise most activities.

I IRC less so but it is still important. I would like to leave the IRC more for having fun, building good relations between people, meeting new friends and arrange and organising events in the eSA through temporary channels. It therefore would be important for me to check the IRC regularly and would be my main form of communication with other players if I want to chat with them. It would be my way to keep in touch with the players.

11.)We are under constant threat of PTO - first it was the channer, then it was Indonesia, then it was Brazil, now it is Hungary. What will you do to stop this?
There is no way to stop the threat, it will always exist. What I would focus on it knowing the threats sooner. We currently have the best systems of protection we have ever had in my opinion and I support there further development. I have a few ideas I wish to put in place which I am afraid are for my "Vice-President" and "Minister of Security"'s eyes only should I get in. I also seek the formation a security council whose sole responsibility is "find the bad guys" and "kick butt". Much of their work would go unheard, but they would help maintain our security in this challenging time.

If you would like to learn more about SamGibz and his campaign for presidency you can read his platform Here


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