IA Not contesting Elections?

Day 1,199, 06:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus

So where is the IA CP candidate? There was an internal IA vote and a candidate was choosen, so why is there no IA candidate? Why is the biggest party not contesting the elections?

The reason for all these questions is unfortunately, Rexdeus, Party President for the IA. Let me explain my idiocy, quite simply I believed that I still had today to make the candidates available, and completely missed the cut-off. Why? I have no excuse, I simply believed that I still had today, so as I came online and pushed out the article to make it known who our CP candidate would be , I was informed that I was too late. And there were a couple of players that did try and alert me in time but as I was not online was unawares.

A lot of hardwork by most IA members went to ground thanks to me, and sadly due to my gross error our voting public and supporters has been negatively affected by this fiasco. I can not justify to myself why I should stay Party President, if I do not have the responsibility to even propose our selected canidates. I will be resigning as Party President after consultation with the Independent Alternative party so as to not further negatively impact the great party IA is. I am still very much fully committed to IA, even though my actions do not seem to reflect this.

This is not fair to anyone, and I do really from the bottom of my heart apologise to one and all in eSouth Africa. I have disappointed not only myself but also a couple that actually had confidence in my abilities, for that I just feel so much worse. This would be known to me as THE darkest day for me in eRepbublik. Especially after losing our great CP Krimpiekat.

I would not blame anyone for flaming this article, I deserve nothing less and it was time my big head was cut down to size. Really sorry everyone.
