IA: Getting to know...Mark Morcom

Day 834, 07:06 Published in South Africa South Africa by Independent Alternative

I had the pleasure today of interviewing outgoing president (no, not as soon as some people think), Mark Morcom. Mark has done a lot for this country and he has led us onto a new path. His leadership has shown that as a country, we are much stronger than what we think we are. Thank you for your leadership over the last two terms Mark! I believe that you were one of the key players to help us get back more of our regions (although I know teamwork played a great part here!).

Here's his bio stuff:

Birth date: 27 March 2009
Best skill: Manufacturing (9.42)
Level: 21
Friends: 427
Military rank: General
Medals: 6x hard worker, 3x congress, 2x country president, 3x super soldier

And then the questions I posed to Mark:

How did you come to join eRepublik?
I think I saw an advert on Facebook, it could have also been on some coding forum. Its too long ago to remember.

What were your original ambitions as country president? Would you say things went according to plan?
My original plans were to improve foreign policy, improve government structure involving more people, and change our policy towards occupied lands.
I think on a whole these did go according to plan.

Would you say that you caused a turning point in eSouth Africa's history?
There has been a turning point in the History of eSouth Africa. I would not say that I caused it. Everyone in eSouth Africa took up arms and turned the tide on the oppressors. Everyone in eSA should remember that they were part of that.
Indonesia would have attacked us even if we did not support the first Gauteng RW, I think eSA was at a crossroads and it needed to choose its new path. We chose freedom over oppression, I am sure everyone will agree that was the only choice.

Where do you think our country will go from here?
If we don’t keep up the momentum that we started, I think that this country will literally tear itself apart. eSA needs to be ambitious and develop itself radically in terms of Economy, Social, Military goals. Never think that we are good at anything, because we can always do better. Western Cape should be a priority.

What can we expect from you in future? What's your next big goal?
My next big goal is to take a break. I will be taking a month out in terms of Governmental work. I thought about following tradition and joining the AB, but after a lot of thought, I think I will be the first CP not to do this. I hope to return in April to get involved again, and perhaps even run for CP. Let’s see.

Did you ever think after you first put your name down for country president, that you would serve two consecutive terms?
No, I did not. I actually was going to step down after term 1, but people persuaded me to stay on and see if I could keep up the momentum of the first term.

Do you have any advice for your successor?
- Never ever bring Party Politics into your job; the office you hold is beyond that. I actually believe that when someone is CP they should in essence leave the party at the office door.
- Choose people you trust over people that are super efficient to work for you.
- You are not CP to be popular, you are CP to be unpopular, and that is the hard truth of the matter.
- Set out clear goals at the start of your term to all Ministries and Departments. The biggest mistake I made during my terms was not to do that.

You only recently decided to stay in the IA. what made you stay?
I was LPSA for a long time, but have always felt that I belong in IA. It is full of friends and people I trust. It reminds me of the old BLF.

What is your favourite aspect of the Independent Alternative?
Well, no bullshit, in your face, say it as it is. Too many people scheme in this game, thinking about how they can make changes in subtle ways that will benefit themselves. If you want something, go ask for it, or shut-up, if you don’t like something, say so, or shut-up. I think the IA has this attitude, and it appeals to me.

Do you have a hero or role model in eRepublik?
Former President Jizzie, I love the guys attitude to this game, and believe that we should take lessons from him on being laid back. He also saved me from KwaZulu-Natal when I first started.
I also have a lot of respect for Ines Schumacher and her hard work, dedication, and ability to convince people to do what they don’t want to. There are so many people that are my role models and that deserve mention, but Jizzie will always stick out in my mind.

What has been a higlight in your e-Life?
The day we secured the Northern Cape, even though we did take Gauteng and that was awesome, securing the Northern Cape will always stick out in my mind. It was the first time we did something like that and succeeded. It truly did herald in a new era.

That concludes another interview with a famous IA celebrity. There will be no newspaper tomorrow, but publishing will resume as per usual on Friday (unless of course I am bored at work or something!).

Let's hope the next country president can follow in the footsteps of Mark! He has set a great example to all!

Best regards
Party President of the Independent Alternative

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