IA: Getting to know...LiquidIce

Day 828, 06:08 Published in South Africa South Africa by Independent Alternative

Whilst we are all busy with the congressional elections, I had an interview with LiquidIce to allow us to relax a bit and break away from all the electioneering going on!! LiquidIce is another one of the few females we have around in the IA, so we better work hard to keep her around. She's been helping a lot in the eSAAF with making borders and always try to contribute wherever she can. She is another up and coming name in eSouth Africa and I look forward to her involvement in the country.

Here is the bio stuff first:

Birth date: 25 October 2009
Best skill: Manufacturing (4.6)
Level: 16
Friends: 61
Military rank: Lieutenant
Medals: 1x congress, 1x super soldier

And the interview I had with her:

Do you have a hero or role model in eRepublik - if so, who is that and why?
No, not really. I tend to swim with the stream. I do however look up to people who stand up for themselves and do not let people walk all over them.

What's your next big goal?
Making congress and serve a full term this time around!!

How much time do you spend on eRepublik a day?
Way too much. If I have to put it in hours – around 8 online and around 4 offline (I’m doing logo designs on photoshop for some of the eSAAF divisions)

How did you start playing eRepublik?
I was conned into playing by mulderpf… LOL

How many people do you know in real life who plays eRepublik?
2 – mulderpf and Nickerball

What positions do you current hold in eRepublik?
Unofficially, I am now known as Logolady in the Pretorian Guard and I was helping Nickerball helping Jaccil in getting the newbies acquainted with the game.

How long have you been part of the Independent Alternative?
I think two or three weeks?

What made you join the Independent Alternative?
Internal politics and being ignored in my previous party. I will not name the party as I’m not into mudslinging. Nickerball asked me to give it a go, and since I had nothing better to do, I did join the IA. I am pleased to say, it was a good move for me. Since becoming a member of the IA, I have become more involved in other areas of the game. They made me feel very welcome.

What in-game aspects would you say you're good at (e.g. politics, economics, media, networking and so on)?
I don’t really know. Does in-game fighting count? Most of what is going on in the Departments are way over my head. I tend to think creatively.

What has been a highlight so far in your e-life?
Without a doubt my involvement in the Pretorian Guard! And when I got elected congress member the first time, that was a WOW feeling.

So that was the break from the electioneering - I'll just mention it here - but come on, make LiquidIce's day and vote for her in the elections. If you are not sure if she's your candidate, also remember that we have a whole list of approved candidates, so before placing your vote, please make sure you choose someone that is "approved": http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/ia-congress-candidates-1219412/1/20.

Best regards
Party President of the Independent Alternative

If you want to be part of the party that is the Independent Alternative or you just find the people interesting and you haven't joined yet, why not read what we're all about here on eRepublik:http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/independent-alternative-the-party-for-you--1156131/1/all or on the official eSouth AFrican forum: http://forums.erepubliksa.com/politics/independent-alternative-our-direction-for-february-2010/