Day 998, 09:13 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus

This article will be the first of 5 that I will be releasing throughout the day. The titles of these articles shall be:

Party President

So when you log on tomorrow morning, don't be surprised if you end up seeing such a message on your homepage.

Now, on to serious business.

I will not be writing a tl;dr platform. Mine will be very simple, with 4 points.

1. Introduce the first ever public eCanadian API program to track the progress of new citizens.

This will be a tremendous boost not only to party recruitment across the board, but especially to player retention and education.

2. Increase party activity. We have 663 members, yet we constantly hit far below our potential, and the activity % of other parties. This is inexcusable, and I will fix it.
2a. Re-energizing the party companies and charity, publicly and behind the scenes.
2b. Re-energizing the DAL media content, to increase publicity.
2c. Send weekly pm's to every single member of the party.
2d. Provide more opportunities for our members to get involved, and to recognize and reward those who do.

3. Re-elect Acacia Mason.
- As one of the people who first told Acacia to run, there is no question that I am a strong supporter of his. He deserves our support for a second term, and the support of all eCanadians. I will make sure he gets it.

4. Support The Crimson Order and other militias.
4a. If you doubt that they're awesome and worthy of support, get the hell out of my country. TCO will receive advertisements and gold gifts (amounting potentially to several hundred gold) if I win.

Now, the other articles will explain

1) Derek Harland's VP article
2) Congressional elections and why I am the best man to organize them in eCanada
3) Why me bringing 250+ gold to eCanadian citizens and causes is a good reason to vote for me
4) Why a vote for me is better than one for Artorius Perim.

*these are subject to change throughout the day.

Thank you,