I will Run for Congress

Day 704, 07:26 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Awang

Dears, FROSea I will run for congress in North-Eastern Thailand. I will run under FUP or we all know as Federal United Party.
This are the things about me in erepublik and RL
*I am 1st term Congress member for North-Eastern Thailand last election
*I worked at Gnoorth Foods (should I mention that things lol)
In a real life
*I have relativies in Thailand and Malaysia

This are the things that I will do if I get elected as Congress Member :

* I will give my full support to the goverment that will rule our beloved country whatever the party that win.
* I will suggest to the Country Adminstations to allow user / citizen in erepublik to post article in their language but their must provide translation is needed.
* I will support the Vikta , Carr De Vaux,Nagyzee, Setsunax and all the people that work with program about educated the new citizen about this game.

Why you should me and why shouldn't vote me:
1.Maybe I not old enough to get the experience to being a congress member because I become a congress member just for one terms.
2. I not active in writing articles in Erepublik and I will read throungh all the things that citizens of FROSea discussed on our National Forum I only actived in IRC.
3. I can't online 24/7 because of the school life and any other issues

Last but not least, good to all member that will running for congress. I hope you all the best. Before I ended my articles, if you do not vote me don't forget to vote other Federal United Party candidate 🙂

That all, sorry for my bad english