Day 1,223, 18:33 Published in USA USA by Grimp

Dear Erepublik,

Grimp here and i have a complaint! IM SICK AND TIRED OF THE MISS TREATMENT OF OUR HARD WORKING CITIZENS! I want... no i DEMAND respect for workers who work all day for scraps I DEMAND a 10 dollar minimum wage. NORMAL PEOPLE CANT SURVIVE ON WHAT THEY ARE MAKEING TODAY. i suggest that the government gives out welfare, and other aid to our hard working citizens. AID SUCH AS: FOOD WEAPONS(FOR YOUR WARS) AND HOUSEING. ALSO i think we need unions to help us FIGHT for BETTER WAGES until the government WAKES THE HECK UP AND REALIZES HOW GREAT OUR COUNTRY IS.

OH AND ANOTHER THING. what is this crap i hear about our "president" being from another country? I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA.. AND IN MY AMERICA THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN... im so sorry i have been away from the game for such a long time i didnt realize how much my country needed me... sorry every one... sorry america i dont mean to get soo wored up i just LOVE MY COUNTRY and i truly fear for it!
