I wanna say HELLO! And I've got important question.

Day 1,267, 00:46 Published in Slovakia Poland by Szekspir
Ahoj Slovensko \o/

I ran away from Poland 😃
ePL isn't a country for me, becouse its too big, too proud, and we've got too much flamers.
At last week I was applied for citizenship here.
Thanks to Ghostbiker who give me it. I hope that I'm not fail here ;>

Now I try to start new e-life in Slovakia, I wanna be a active player for good of this country. My favourite modules of eRepublik are politics and press.
I think that I run for congress on 25 May, beacouse for me it's the best place where I can help Slovakia. 😉

Back to press module I've got inqiry for you. I see that there isn't much newspapers, so I wanna direct my paper for what you wanna read.

You can choose HERE
(after choose click "Zakończ ankietę")

Thanks for answers, votes and subs.
Best regardes
