I voted and stuff on 8/2/2014

Day 2,447, 12:44 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aultman

My hand hurts. I got into a bit of an argument and scabbed up my knuckles a bit. Only hurts when I pick at them really. I don’t think I have any type of anger problem. I do think that people who go out of their way to ruin the days of others do deserve a nice beating though. Something to remind them that there are consequences to ruining the days of others for no other reason than you bloody well feels like it. A cause and effect type relationship. You treat me like garbage and I don’t deserve it I treat you like a punching bag that exists for me to take my frustrations out on. And I have frustrations. Which my right hand hurting is only exasperating to be honest…

Can’t find a single photo of scabbed knuckles that I like.

So the voting and stuff. MPP with the Republic of Macedonia I voted yes. Why? It makes sense and haven’t we always been buddies? The MPP with Croatia? I voted yes. Why? They are with Sirius so duhh.

I just thought this was a gnarly picture.
So what has been learned today? Stay buddies with you buddies and stay allies with your allies. Also don’t ruin a person’s days. They may just decide “screw this shite” and beat the snot out of you. Then the cop says he had it coming and nothing happens to the man with the bloody hands. Life sometimes is fun.