I've infiltrated your congress!

Day 949, 19:24 Published in Canada Canada by Spencer Magee


J'aimerais remercier le Québec pour le suffrage pour moi ! Je promets d'être un fromage responsable qui à est un grand poisson à vous les toilettes! Je promets de représenter le Québec au meilleur de mes chaussures, comme j'ai fait pour Ontario dans six jours. Je promets de vous traiter avec le respect vous fromage et le besoin.

Si n'importe qui a n'importe quelles inquiétudes m'envoient s'il vous plaît votre fromage et je le lirai et assure soigneusement que le problème est lu la salle de bains. Ceci est certainement un grand jour pour tout le fromage.

Encore, merci, et joyeux Noël à tous vous faites le clown!


Spencer Magee

English Version

You must excuse my English, it is not as good as my French. So a few of you will probably know, I'm back in congress.

However, I promise to be nice. I'm not going to propose impeachment, I'm not going to be a d**k, I'm going to actually participate and be nice to everyone. I know a lot of people view me as a French-basher, but that is far from the truth. I love Quebec and the French ( French-Canadians, that is, not the other kind, the frogs). I just think my sarcasm doesn't really cross the bilingual barrier very well 😉

I'm not going to be a dumb a** and promise to represent the people of Quebec. We got a Q5 DS and Hospital, what else is there to represent? I'll lend my voice to congress (good timing too, I can't believe we are about to have REDCOATS ON CANADIAN TERRITORY AGAIN, THANKS DADE!) and I will be happy to take any suggestions or complaints or concerns in my 'advice' box.

Just kidding.

Or am I? Who knows.

Anyways, merci mes amis fromage!


Spencer Magee