I shot a redcoat!

Day 799, 14:28 Published in USA USA by KC Michaels

I was lucky enough to notice the [url="http://tinyurl.com/yk7l466"]DoD orders[/url] right when they came out (even getting the first comment in) that we had an open battle with the UK. I immediately hit the marketplace for guns, something I've not done in what feels like forever.

Then I quickly got back to the battlefield and bloodied it with some redcoats. The exhileration was great, it was like I was a new player again fighting for the first time. My next step was to run and see if there was a thread about it at eUSforum.com. Not finding one I created one to make sure all eAmericans could feel the same fun and joy I had just experienced! The next response was about how "The President of United Kingdom has retreated from the battlefield."


To all eAmericans I just want to say that your day is coming too. Hang in there while we wait for EDEN to give us the all clear for attack sign. I remain confident a day will come when we will launch a full scale attack. And let me tell you, it will feel amazing!

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/1258/redcoats.jpg " alt="Redcoats assume the position" title=" Redcoats assume the position " width="300" />

I stand ready to kill more redcoats.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
- Albert Einstein