I must have fallen asleep. Or been abducted by Indonesia....

Day 509, 04:07 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Ok sorry I must have missed something. This article will be more a small forum.

Ok i must have fallen asleep or sumthing like that because all of sudden what was just a nice little wellness system has turned into a MASSIVE argument. With people bashing Br0adside
which by the way guys is NOT cool

(link to said bashign here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/private-health-care-debate-775708/1/20)

and people calling people liars and so on and so forth. So can someone please tell me wtf is going on?

So I either missed something. Or eIndonesia abducted me for research. I hope it's the first one.
