I Miss You Greece

Day 757, 19:42 Published in Greece Pakistan by Katharos45

I miss you Anthonios, for your jokes and friendliness.

I miss you Jaguaros, for your wise leadership.

i miss you Che and Geokos, for being Greece's coolest tanks.

I miss you Jeremy Hutchinson, for your humor and fun.

I miss you Thanos, for your overall awesomeness, and for being the person I could talk with for hours on the xat chat.

I miss you Yiannis, for your moderate Socialism, and for your informative articles.

I miss you Haralambos, for your Help in against the Hungarian PTO, and for your useful friendship with Spain.

I miss you Harisvatar and Taxopairei, for your excellent terms as MoFa.

I miss you Makoulin, for your belief in friendship between Greece and turkey.

I miss you Paulos, for your good term as president, as well as your anti-Turkish witty articles.

I miss you Myronas, for showin noobs can achieve anything with determination.

I miss you Natasha, for being my good friend and business partner.

I miss you Simon and Jim arr, for your Expertise in Business.

I miss you Efthimios Pappas, the Liberator of our great nation.

I miss you Moot, because you were always the big jokester, but under that, you had a lot of experience.
left Greece to search for a place where I could be happy. Now I realize it was Greece all along.

So I'm coming home Greece.