I'm gonna get in trouble...or, it's better to die on your feet.

Day 971, 04:41 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob


I'm off the fence for a while on the following issue. I sincerely apologise to the people who I respect that disagree with me, but I'm not naming names, and I am more than happy for you to have your view. But please. Let me have mine.


I have learned that the eAus Senate is considering a "deal" over renting the Northern Territory to eIndonesia, in return for their cessation of PTO hostilities. Sure, one region, in return for our possibly keeping the remainder. Sure, a popular move to many, and one which would at least mean next month, if the deal held, you could fly the union jack and southern cross proudly.

But, _proudly_?

Look guys, I was involved in Government for quite a whiles (look me up sometime). I would like to think I have proven my loyalties are to eAus in the end, without prejudice to any foreign alliances, be they EDEN or other. I know some disagree, but at all times all I have care about is the community we keep, and the people I know and love in this game.

BUT - I am very concerned about this deal. I will explain why.

1> I am concerned it would not be kept. From what I have seen, eIndo is out to hurt us. I like a lot of the people from eIndo individually - heck, look me up on facebook and I know a lot of them. But, they were pissed off at how we got our nation back, and heck, were you in PHEONIX, would _you_ like us on their doorstep? Or more to the point, the pathway for their allies? While I trust some key players from their side, I am concerned that were you to do this deal, you would not end up with it honoured. They do NOT trust US. We do NOT trust THEM. This is a temp fix folks, and at what cost? This leads to my second point...

2> What does that make _us_ as a nation? Look, for good or ill, we picked a side. We did the deals we did, and EDEN helped when it counted. Do you really think if we do this deal we will be considered a moral player anymore? If we do this deal, we are in effect going to have to rely totally on eIndo returning the region if/when they are ready, no matter how much we deal. AND, the worst part of all, it will be _very_ hard to convince another alliance down the track (even PHEONIX or it's successor) that we are honestly on their (or anyone else's) side.

Look - I love this nation. But I have said in other articles, we are more than just 6 regions. We are a community. And, though it pains me terribly to say it, sometimes you have to let go of something you love, even temporarily, to maintain WHO YOU ARE. I don't think this is the right course for us to take, and I guess that is the true point of my article.

We can sacrifice an awful lot - but we need to mindful of who we are, and not lose that which makes us that.

This is my 0.02 cents in the matter. I know I will get flamed terribly for it, but please respect I am speaking nothing else but my view on this matter. We may go down in the view of pixels on a screen, but as a community we are far from dead - and as long as there are people in #ausrep, we never will.


ex-lots of things in the eAus world.