I'm Fed Up!

Day 1,268, 13:32 Published in Canada Canada by Donna Rush

This is an article I tried to post on the eRep forum, but couldn’t even though I was logged in. It said that I wasn’t.


I getting tired of people reading the first couple of words of a post and then making wild assumptions, usually wrong.

People need to read things through three or four times, THINK about it and MAKE SURE THEY UNDERSTAND before they comment.

Everyone is bitching and moaning about wanting refunds for their raw materials companies because they are now worthless, and can’t be upgraded.

Why the heck would you want to upgrade?

For example, grain farms will become fisheries, of the same 10 gold value.
Fisheries will give you 40 units of BASIC production.
A Q5 hunting lodge will give you only 100 units of BASIC production.
Three fisheries will cost you 30 gold and give you 120 units of BASIC production.
A much better value, no?

NOWHERE was it said that productivity levels will change.

As for storage, with my 15 present companies, I should be able to manage with the basic storage unit. Don’t forget the units produced will be about half of the present. I plan on getting another small storage when I increase my companies in the very near future.
With a good plan and a proper mix of balanced companies, unless you are stockpiling, you shouldn’t need a large storage.
Remember the change for raw materials from six reduced to one to produce one finished product. We survived that pretty well, didn’t we?

People, make sure of ALL the facts and details before you comment wildly in all directions about anything.

Let the flaming begin.

Please vote and subscribe if you agree.

Donna Rush.