I'm Coming Home!!!

Day 579, 19:25 Published in USA USA by GoBucks

Greetings Ohioans,

It is great to be home, and re-entering the political battlefield. I am looking forward to a great race, and learning more about my opponents. I hope each of you take the time to consider me as your next congressman as I am looking forward to serving each one of you. I don't think I am ever completely at home until I have returned to Congress, and for that I am counting on each and every one of you.

As promised, I am releasing my platform today. After much scrutiny, I have finished it. If you have any questions regarding a specific part of my platform, or wish to comment about it please feel free.

Thanks for your support, and don't forget to vote this Thursday!!!

Looking Forward To Serving You 😃
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What I, GoBucks, stand for!

In my opinion, transparency is one of the basic fundamentals of a successful democratic government. Without transparency we would not be running a democracy but a dictatorship, and this is why I will be as transparent as possible. However, I will not be posting weekly articles (unless requested by several citizens). My reasoning behind this decision is that articles with voting records simply flood our media and don't really gain that much attention. Instead, I will be maintaining a spreadsheet with my voting record, which I will link to anyone who requests it. As in my past public service positions, if you ever have any questions or need help with something let me know and I will tell you the answer, if I don't know the answer you bet I will find it for you.

The current income tax rate is more than enough for our government to maintain a strong, well-funded military, ample infrastructure, several beneficial programs and many MPPs. Ergo, I am not a proponent of changing the income tax. The current level was set as part of PANEC, and I was a supporter of the taxes we have today when they came on the ballot many months ago and I was in Congress. My reasoning for supporting these taxes stays the same and is as follows:

"The average American makes $9.31 a day and that amounts to $279.30 in 30 days. Now with a 20% tax rate, the average America pays $55.86 in taxes every 30 days. Now as long as that same average American works all 30 days of the month he will be blessed with a gift of 5 gold, or $250, nearly 5 times the amount the average American pays in taxes and an abounding amount of money to survive each month."

With the income tax providing plenty of money for our government the VAT is perfectly fine at 1% across the board, the near minimum. The VAT was set as part of the PANEC and the reason for 1% across the board was to not effect any one market more than another.

Import taxes, on the other hand are remarkably difficult to determine. Each individual market has its own level of import tax necessary, a level in my opinion which should allow domestic products to thrive over foreign ones. In all honesty, it would probably be easier to go the route of free trade, however that would weaken our economy far too much, as no other nation in the world supports free trade, if they did then I would see about supporting free trade...until that day our nation is left determining and debating which import tax level is the best for our nation. If you have any specific questions about import taxes please feel free to ask and I will answer them.

While I am no longer a member of the eUSA armed services, I am a proud Veteran Officer of both the National Guard and the Army and to this day I ardently support their efforts in any way possible. Without our armed forces we would not survive in the chalenging environment that exists overseas. Some, disregard the importance of funding foreign missions including Mobile Infantry and the Marines, all of which fight on foreign soil. I think it is crucial that everyone understands without these branches of our armed forces foreign threats will not be knocking on our allies doors but our own and by sending mobile forces around the world we help in keeping our nation safe by keeping foreign threats as far away as possible. It is for these reasons that the funding of our armed forces, locally and abroad is absolutely paramount to the safety and security of our nation.

International Affairs
Our relationships with countries abroad is a very hot topic right now, as we are without an alliance. Yet, we must realize that though we have no alliance we are not without allies. We as a nation must strive to maintain our allies and constantly seek new, for the purpose of defending our nation in the event we are attacked. It is my belief that each nation is entitled to its sovereignty and any nation that compromises another nation's sovereignty is righteously destructive to the aura of peace and safety that currently surrounds our nation. It was for this reason that I fought for Germany during the past Germanic War and that I fought in Greece for the recovery of Central Greece and I will continue to fight so that nations maintain their sovereignty that they are rightly entitled to.

Domestic Programs
As a former Director of Citizen's Affairs I am a great supporter of all domestic programs which benefits the great citizens of the State of Ohio and the eUSA. These programs include but are not limited to Meals on Wheels (supplies food for new players), the Dept. of Education (offers and prepares advice for players at all levels of the game), the Welcoming Committee (self-explanatory) and lastly but not least, the Mentor Program (assists new players with becoming situated the game).

While I am a supporter of the USWP agenda I think it is very important that every congressmen is willing to work across party lines for the betterment of the eUSA. Someone once said, "It is through cooperation, rather than conflict, that your greatest successes will be derived." and it is this simple quote that I base my enthusiasm and support for working across all party lines. I do understand that conflicts will arise but as long as we face them with mutual respect for eachother we will overcome such conflicts.
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What I, Go Bucks, Have Accomplished!

Military Involvement
I have served in two branches of the military. My career began in the National Guard where I served as a Squad Leader of a notably congressional squad. After a month of involvement there I switched over to the Army where I served as a platoon sergeant for several months. Eventually, the eUS Quartermaster's office was formed and I heard the calling for members there and though I would be a good fit as at the time I was a Congressman and could not move from the country. After the Quartermaster's Office fell into a state of inactivity I discontinued my direct involvement with the eUS armed forces. However, I still proudly fought many of the operations carried out by the eUS Govt. as a self-funded and self-supported individual. Most recently I had the pleasure of fighting in the battle for Central Greece where I earned the Capt. rank.

Public Service Involvement
I began as the final mayor of Columbus back in the time of Beta. Mayors had limited powers, but I was well known in Ohio for appointed my opponent as City Manager and offering a tax refund to all interested citizens of Ohio, in preparation for V1 as the money in the hands of Ohio would end up being lost because the mayor position was eliminated. I also served as a US Congressman during beta. With the initiation of V1 I immediately ran for Congress. The controversial race ended in a tie and due to a glitch I received the position of Congressman for one day, however the issue was quickly alleviated and Tiacha rightfully received the position. After that point I served as Congressman for four consecutive terms, where I had a firm record of voting on every proposal that came about, with the exception of six, as I was out of the reach of internet at certain times. As I congressman I supported PANEC and when our nation funds were stripped I founded and started, with the help of my friend Panther, a one in a kind program to temporarily raise funds in the event of an attack. This program was called United States Bonds and all funds received were repayed. After March, I took a break from Congress as I was getting increasingly busy in real life, but now I am ready to make a come back!

Executive Branch Involvement
For several months I served as the eUSA Director of Citizens' Affairs. During this time I assisted the DoE and Welcoming Committee with their needs. My main project was assisting Bill Brasky in his Mentor Program, which he founded. I generated a new New Citizens' Message to include the Mentor Program Link and help organize the system of mentors and mentees, while Bill searched for people to mentor.

Party Involvement
Within my party I have served as Recruitment Director, Political Action Committee Director and Chief of Staff. All of these positions have offered me the chance to gain the necessary leadership skills to be a successful congressman. I could outline the actions I took during these positions but it would surely make this platform far too long.
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Thanks for taking the time to read this and for considering me as your next congressman! If you have any questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer them. Have a great day!