I'm Back

Day 284, 10:13 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

My fellow eTurks-

I left and returned in a rather hurried manner, so I would like to fill you in on all of the details. After the rather untimely death of Phaedrus Lidox, I was reeling with grief. He was the one who brought me here, it was He who gave me shelter, and it was He alone that I worshiped. So, I hastily made the decision to move to Mexico to fight in the revolution. One night, I awoke to the sound of prowlers outside of my property, and it was dark, so I assumed that they were quite menacing. I hastily whipped out my shotgun and blasted two of the scoundrels away. But, as I was reloading, I was pistol whipped from behind! When I awoke the next morning, I found that I had mistakenly wounded two Portuguese. They came to my place because they knew it would be a safe haven for all supporters of the cause. After going on a 24 hour drinking binge, I awoke from the haze to realize that eTurkey was home. Kip Mudson generously flew me home in exchange for me taking a position as his personal aide and press secretary. So, now that we are all caught up, we can get to some real news...

The return of Phaedrus has brought me tremendous joy! My savior has returned from the dead, and He brought with him another fallen hero, Elephantman! Glory be Phaedrus! So, tonight, at my house, in their honor, I am throwing a neon 80's party. There will even be multiple cuddle rooms upstairs for enthusiasts and voyeurs alike. I'm even supplying the booze...

Advanced Cuddling and Kisses For All!

P.S. Since my paper went to eHell (aka the suspended user page that will kill your browser), you will have to resubscribe to receive "A Timely Bitch" on your doorstep.