I'm Back...Pt. 2!

Day 390, 17:31 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

My return to Erepublik was so big that I had to do a two part issue. In this issue, I will discuss the UCP, our fearless leader Justinious, and give a special announcement.

The United Constitutionalists Party
When I first returned to the eUSA, I was bombarded by offers to join parties. It seemed as though every party wanted me more or less because of my active wimminzness. I basically was intent on avoiding party politics altogether because the harshly divided political lines in eTurkey had left such a bad taste in my mouth. Justinious McWalburgson III and I built a friendship, and he slowly converted me to the UCP. At first, I was rather skeptical, and I wondered what made this party any different. So, what has made this party different from all of the others?

Well, first of all, we have a leader who took a personal interest in me. I’m not going to lie, feeling important makes a wimminz feel good 😃 But, in all seriousness, Justinious has made sure that all members of the UCP are welcome into our party discussions. He has trained his army of awesomeness (AKA my UCP peeps) to show new party members the ropes of Erepublik.
As a newer member of the eUS, I was introduced to the goings on of eUSA and was welcomed into a new surrogate family. This family is comprised of individuals who may not believe the same things, but find each other equally as awesome. We are a conglomerate of individuals and have no party politics so to speak. We do not really have an agenda. We are just here to help each other and our fellow citizens to survive (which may even be debatable with some of our more individualistic and capitalist members *cough*NoneSuch*cough😉. This party works for me because it is not asking me to choose sides or follow some platform. We are encouraged to think for ourselves, and that is something I greatly appreciate. Here, you do not have to be “someone” to have your voice be heard. We are always looking to add new members to our party.

Recently, one of our party god’s, Angrr, wrote an amazing piece in The UCP Bulletin about why one should join UCP, and I encourage you all to read it (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-why-join-the-ucp-our-party-beliefs--708859/1).

The Party Presidency
I am a staunch supporter of our current leader, Justinious McWalburgson III. In the United Constitutionalists Party, there have been accusations that Justinious has allowed our party to stagnate under his reign, in part because he is exhausted from his INSANE workload here in Erepublik. I see things differently. While our party membership is increasingly inactive, that is a trend around the entire eGlobe. Many vets did not transition well from Beta to V1, so their activity ceased in the process. This occurred under every person's watch, not just Justinious'. I believe it is the duty of all of us to keep our party membership active, not just the party president’s. Realistically, most presidents of large parties in Erepublik have a multitude of activities and interests pulling their attention. That is precisely the reason they are respected and are chosen to represent the party.

In my humble opinion, Justinious is among the best the best on Erepublik. The last I checked, Justinious was ranked 7th in the eUSA. He is serving his third term as Vice President and sixth term as the UCPs president. His lists of accomplishments are ridiculously long and I encourage you to read his campaign article (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-hello-world-a-citizen-s-introduction--708938/1). As a woman who tries to avoid party politics as much as possible (due to living in the warring party nation of eTurkey), Justin made me a believer in the power of united individualists. He is a man I would follow to the ends of the Earth and support him every step of the way. I will gladly stick my reputation on the line to back him for any leadership role he will ever choose to enter...even though he needs to learn how to delegate 😉

Congressional Race
As I have been bombarded with inquiries regarding my status as a congresswimminz, I decided to announce that I will once again be running for congress this month. Although I have had problems with the new regional system thus far, it is important to me to stick it out and help make the next congressional session productive and, for lack of a better term, awesome. I will work on my list of accomplishments and voting record as it nears closer to elections.
