I'm Back in Indonesia

Day 722, 14:46 Published in Indonesia USA by Wade Seagrave

I have finally returned to the great nation of Indonesia today. It's been almost exactly 4 months since I have served as American Ambassador to Indonesia, and I am finally back.

Since my leave as Ambassador, I served as Director of Ambassadorial Affairs then I served as Secretary of State (MoFA) for a brief period. I got tired of that life, so I came back down to the basics of the State Department.

I am now a Foreign Relations Officer (Not an Ambassador), and when I signed up they were going to determine leaders of the project, so I decided to come to the one I knew the most about (that wasn't America), so I chose Indonesia, but a lot has changed. For example, when I came as Ambassador I befriended the MoFA at the time. Come to find out later, he is now the President.

But anyways, you get the drift. What do I need from the Indonesian people? Well, I need about everything. I need information about Indonesia's economic, social, political, and military structures. I still have my original Ambassadorial reports, but I don't know what's changed and what is still the same (I do not see anything about Matzanesia...). So right now, if you would like to help out just by giving me any information about life over here, shoot me a message. I would greatly appreciate it.

(And don't worry. You're report will be good. Even though I'm supposed to hate you all or something for invading my country, I still really like it over here)